Okay I find the fact That The t1 TOV mission is the worst weird.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lidwen Elf Stalker, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    GD is my fave mission!

    Always loved the ring war in the origianl Velious, good to see it again in a slightly different format.
  2. Cadira Augur

    Any group of competent people of the same classes is going to outpace 6 players all being played by the same person using said program.
    Daedly and Tucoh like this.
  3. Laronk Augur

    You don't have to burn EW, why wouldn't you but you don't have to.
  4. Peltier Elder

    Very incorrect. Maby that is how it is on xegony with the two best raid guilds on all servers, but that in no way reflects every server's skill base.
  5. Peltier Elder

    1 person

    1 brain

    1 strat

    1 button to start all toons attacking at the same time (an short durational alpha strikes from various classes)

    1 button to activate all adps (for burns) 1 button to activate burns on all toons.

    Sounds a heck of alot easier to me .
  6. Peltier Elder

    To me personally the reason Tucoh does not raid is because they are now soo tied in with that program to play EQ, they lack the skill to actively play their toon in an actual raid enviroment for say progression raids or the like.

    This is not ment as a slight, its simple observation, as they themselves (has has been pointed out here) have openly stated with out that program they would not play EQ. Which beg's the question exactly where are their skill levels pertaining to those toon's in a raid situation.
  7. enclee Augur

    Yes, the guy who reviews EQ gameplay second by second, reads every ability of his class, and compares SPAs across multiple classes is so incompetent he wouldn't be able to follow directions in a raid. There's no way he could possibly do a Griklor raid on any of his characters.

    Everquest without boxing is boring. The itemization is terribly boring. Tradeskills are mind-numbing. The combat is slow and not engaging. Once, you start layering in other classes it becomes pretty interesting, and you start to see bigger picture of class dynamics.
    Cadira likes this.
  8. Peltier Elder

    And you believe someone who says they do that ? Have they demonstrated such knowledge in posts ? Or is their word good nuff for ya ?
  9. Whulfgar Augur

    As some one who boxes extensively as (if not more) then Tucoh.

    I can flat out tell yall with just my set up zero I S Bxr .. I myself can clear MORE mobs faster then 95% of all grps on my server an thats having to alt / tab over to each individual box an tap the dps spam key until each toon's attacks are on cool down.

    If I had use of I S Bxr, and I would not have to alt / tab over .. to hit each individual toons abilities.. There would be ZERO .. grps on my server I could not out dps or out perform.

    So again as some one who boxes more then tucoh with out that program sadly .. I can tell you with 100% certainty that yes I S bxr would with out a single doubt lower the difficulty of everquest's grp missions and named farming an pretty much every aspect of thee entire group game 100%.

    To say otherwise means you have not boxed extensively enough to understand what you are saying.
    Tucoh likes this.
  10. enclee Augur

    I'm agreeing with you that Tucoh, cannot handle doing Griklor (Raid) and would be useless in the GD raid.
  11. Whulfgar Augur

    My guess is he would not be useless .. hindered yes due to not knowing the raid or see'ing it in action yes. But not useless.
  12. enclee Augur

    It's sarcasm.
  13. Tucoh Augur


    I'm really hoping that the devs have some surprises for the T3 raids that would make this statement not a joke.

    You are correct that I'd make a terrible raider though, I can't commit to raiding these days because kids (after competitively raiding for ~20 years in about a dozen different MMOs). In a few years I'll get back into it. I really do miss leading raids, PvE and PvP. These days I've been boxing cross-training in Anno 1800

    and next month it's gon' be some Bannerlord
    Daedly likes this.
  14. Cadira Augur

    I 6 box with said program. Sk, bard, zerk, zerk, bl, cleric. Completely stacked almost dream team level group, minus shaman instead of cleric.

    I do hella dps as expected, but any group I play with (people who aren't complete morons) of real people outpaces any complex thing I try and do.

    I have to rely on auto follow not being r3t4rd3d (it is). I can't make completely optimal decisions on each individual toon, in emergency situations or otherwise like real people can. Doing solo tasks on 6 people at a time is painfully slow with all the hails and turn in and such, not so much with real people doing all that themselves. If one of my toons dies (in a situation a real person could probably avoid or defend against) I can't immediately Rez them and get them back in the fight like a real healer and said person could do and potentially avoid a wipe altogether.

    6 boxing with said program is great...but it isn't turning your group of 6 boxes into super human players able to achieve literally anything by yourself without help of real "competent" people. If you think otherwise, well, maybe you're just playing with terrible players.
    Daedly, enclee and Tucoh like this.
  15. Whulfgar Augur

    Your on Xegony.. which has two of thee top 3 best raiding guilds on it. Your server's "average" skill of a player is obviously going to be MUCH higher "average" skill in class across the board based soley upon the two massive bad @$$ raid guilds on said server.

    So as has been pointed out your guys pugs on xegony will have on average higher level of skilled players in it .. then say betox.

    If you dont agree with that statement .. you aint been paying attention..
  16. Cloud the Third Augur

    You don't have to but those are the only 2 missions that burning is really something you can do from the start. You can burn AoW after 60% if you killed all the adds before he ports as well but that isn't a full burn event you still have to do control at the start. GD is a long event you can't just burn it.
  17. Laronk Augur

    yeah but you can burn portions of it, i like to burn the dog guy.
  18. Whulfgar Augur

    And the ew mission only just became burnable from the start.. its bugged and that "burn mission" might just dissappear with the next patch. .
  19. Vumad Cape Wearer

    How many days did it take you to finish all of the hunter, challenger, collections and the earring?
  20. Tucoh Augur

    For me there's an important question to be asked here:

    If I can do the hardest group content (challenger) with my group geared characters that haven't gotten new levels, AAs, gear or skills, what is the point of doing the collections, earring and hunter?

    I do hunter because I find it fun, but I'm ignoring the earring because it's not and selling the collections for $$$. I got all four of the TBL chase items on the assumption that I'd want that extra boost to do ToV, but now I regret the time that was effectively wasted farming that mission 60 times and then spending hours upon hours leveling it, only to find that I could've unequipped all four of those slots and done the ToV content with about as much difficulty.
    Velisaris_MS and enclee like this.