Official Ragefire Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lifebane, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Atiaran Angeleye New Member

    Every time someone makes comments about the truth, five or more people from the same guild are there to deflect whats being discussed to defend their interests.
    When someone says a raid materializes in front of a target i'm pretty sure that is what they mean.
    Then someone is always saying to 'race' toons logging in to kill a target. The mobilization racing is a thing of the past on Ragefire. Then they tell you to learn your class better, among other things which has nothing to do with parking toons and logging in.

    I have seen 60 man raids...always of the same guild log into different targets.
    No need to deny this has happened or blame another guild.
    Blocking content from the rest of the server is not competition.

    This server will be a ghost town by the time PoP gets here.
  2. Zublak Augur

    Sound exactly like MM. Def Apok's sister guild.

    They defend themselves. Why sit back and let someone talk and not stick up for yourself and the guild you represent?

    Why don't you play smarter? What stops you? Will their 60 beat your 100 because they know how to properly form a raid?

    I to am not a big fan of TL. But they are skilled players and know how to win. You just need to practice and learn how to beat them. How do they block content when a rotation is in place? They win FFA even with an hour lockout, sounds like that's a big problem for you and the guild you represent.
  3. Porygon Augur

    I would be surprised if there isn't some form of ffa when kunark launches. We have like 13 guilds on rotation, every guild should have to re-qualify once kunark launches.
  4. Detheb Augur

    You are delusional, you understand that right? I WISH we could make raids materialize at raid bosses, because that would make life so much easier.

    However, you can ask your boy Fulkjoo and Dojii, that we just know what we're doing. Even trying to train Trak on us didn't work. Stop being bad and harassing members of our guild in game, and leading some fanatical crusade against us out of it. You're not doing yourself any favors, is all I'm saying.
  5. HonorablePally Lorekeeper

    TLDR Apok once again on a smear and training campaign

    L2p nice and cast your vote at the meetings. Your 1/12th of the vote matters and will be heard.
  6. Atiaran Angeleye New Member

    I have friends and realitives in TL as i am also.
    RMTing, Hacks, and underhanded tactics are worse now than ever, we are breaking rules even we the council put in place among every rule put in place by DBG.
    You hand targets to other guilds you have alts in to further horde content for yourselves, and it will get worse.
    The greedy self interest of a few at the top is destroying any classic experience left to be had.
    All for pixels to sell for personal gains of the selected few.
    This is not a game, its a business...the paper trail is easy to follow.
  7. Esper Augur

    Seriously, kids, this is you brain on crack. Do not end up like this person.
  8. Sagnid Augur

    Hi Melveny.
    Porygon likes this.
  9. Detheb Augur

    Yes, you're clearly in TL. How much DKP do you have currently?
  10. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    My money's on 1,337. Mirite?!
    Detheb likes this.
  11. TLGGuild New Member

    The Last Guardian killed FFA naggy @ 11:02 EST Thursday, September 17th, 2015. Also requesting RFForums access for Clamp @ Jain >;| !
  12. TLGGuild New Member

    The Last Guardian killed FFA vox @ 5:27 EST Friday, September 18th, 2015.