Next Phase of CotF

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by bosspgp, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. bosspgp Journeyman

    Thought I would hear some news about the next phase by now. As we head into the holidays I am not expecting much will change.

    I was under the impression it would be put live in January.

    I know January isn't here yet, and ya they could release it on the last day of the month.....but thought they would announce something by now.

    Bored player who refuses to do tradeskills.
  2. Falos Augur

    I'm thinking feb release personally right before the anniversary stuff hits, then tier 2a in may/june, then the final release in aug/sept
  3. Zantor Augur

    Well since they haven't done beta yet for the rest of T1, probably be towards the end of January that they may release it.
  4. Dandin Augur

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  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    This is also my thoughts.

    I expect beta to be a month long again, so when it starts it will give a good indication of when it will be released. Just wish there was something to do over the winter, i'm getting tempted with Star Trek.....
  6. Norathorr Augur

    Should give Vanguard a try. I have been dabbling with it recently and now the initial problems of release are behind it, I find it to be a nice game! It would at least keep you busy till the next stuff comes out. It has a nice community like EQ, perhaps even better given that people really go out of their way to group. I have even had people leveling down to mentor in groups just because they liked the zones I was advertising I was going to in general. Its less mashy than EQ2 and quite reminiscent of early EQ1 without the insane time sinks.
  7. Phrett Augur

    I just want to know if the next round of raids will use the same currency or if it's going to be completely separate.
    Enkel likes this.
  8. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Based off the vendor cost it will be the same currency for the t1b raids (3more)

    If they only release that little (rest of t1 ) on next launch then I'm sure they will loose a lot of players 2 days of content is hardly worth 5months of waiting.
  9. Fendy Augur

    Vanguard released in January '07. Nearly 7 years ago. Pretty sure the initial problems of release are well behind.
  10. Zantor Augur

    Yeah I know what you mean, I am looking forward to the next beta just so I have something to do.
  11. Goth Augur

    I think not releasing an entire tier of content is a freaking failure. I can understand releasing 1 tier at a time but half a tier now half later is just .

    CoTH release is really painfully bad to me. I have no idea what other T1 equipment items will be released or were they will be drop/obtained from.
  12. Enkel Augur

    Imagine RoF being released without any tier t2 raids, or NToV. Thats what CoTF is.
  13. Tobynn Augur

    To the group game, the other half of Tier 1 will bring arms, chest, feet, neck, waist. Toss in a non-crafted bow and a couple shields, maybe a progression-based charm. That's about the entirety of what the second half of the tier will show.

    Sooooo, expect 90% of the namers to drop necks and belts. You though you were sick of seeing cloaks? Now you can get sick of seeing belts.
    Fenthen, Axxius and Caudyr like this.
  14. Qualzek Augur

    Nov-Jan is usually high playtime for a lot of people... and there's absolutely nothing to do kinda sucks... would think it would cause a lot to quit but then again they have paid for content they haven't gotten yet so maybe they will stick around for it...
    Yinla likes this.
  15. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I plowed the group game of CotF in the first 3-4 days, and raids were no problem. This is the worst EQ has ever been. ;)
  16. Synisca Augur

    /veto final content around SOE Live.
  17. Vlerg Augur

    I definatly hope that T1b will be much bigger than T1a was. I finished pretty much everything in CoTF except dead hill hunters in a week, and never stepped foot back there...
  18. Zantor Augur

    Yeah, I think most everyone will agree that atleast so far CoTF is seriously lacking in content, even some casual players I know been done with CoTF for some time.
    Yinla likes this.
  19. Bludvl Journeyman

    Yep, hearing more and more from people that they are done with the group side, and have been within the first few weeks of release. On a personal level I'm one of those seriously disappointed with the lack of content for having paid for an entire expansion. No mention of the next beta - almost feels like you got suckered..."thanks for your'll see the rest of what you paid for when we get to it...or not."
    Yinla likes this.
  20. Saave Augur

    LOL So true!