Next Expansion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Justbornbetter, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Mintalie Augur

    There is something that I don't recall anyone mentioning that I actually want to praise TeDiouS for... the reasonable, manageable amount of partisans, mercs, and named. I managed to finish all hunters and Seafarer, something I've never before accomplished. I fear the naysayers out there coming down on me, but, honestly, EQ has a much older playerbase--people with jobs, families, and responsibilities. It's not a kid's game. I remember an FS member doing the VoA hunter and it was just insane--months upon months of camping. Who has time for that these days?! Perhaps I'm being selfish, but I'd like to see the partisans, mercs, and hunters kept to a TDS-ish level, but with more raids. Cue casual player hate in 3, 2, 1...

    Seriously, not making a dinosaur raid was a huge oversight. Playing devil's advocate a little, though, it is nice to have everything in one zone for convenience sake.

    See? Even I contradict myself. If I don't even know what I want, how can we ever please everyone? :p
    Doozy and Silv like this.
  2. Perplexed Augur

    Guess I missed it, can someone link the official post about a new expansion?
  3. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    There is none, it's too soon for the next expansion announcement. This thread is basically players providing feedback via commentary about what aspects of prior expansions worked for them and wish lists of what they would like to see in future expansions, in hopes that the devs read it and find it to be useful information. Kind of like putting up post-it notes at the office and hoping management takes the time to read it, without ever expecting a response.
  4. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    So you're praising the...lack of group content? Not only are there substantially less tasks than before, but the ones they made are simplistic, hail heavy and not particularly interesting. Guess it's a half full/empty argument.

    Personally, I preferred it the old way.
    Sancus likes this.
  5. GuarLo New Member

    The next expansion must be avaliable ON RETAIL.

    For gamers of ALL around the world.

    ON [IMG]

    Or any other OPTICAL disc.
  6. guado Augur

    Why not HDDVD?
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Agreed. Some TDS gear can only be gotten by doing TDS HAs over and over and over again to get the gear. And to get the best return you are doing just one or two HA over and over and over and over and over and over. Whats up with that?

    Unfortunately a lot of what we get from game devs is rationalization which changes from one expansions to the next. Is this just from the game devs or is management responsible? Who knows.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I wish they would not repeat a level of gear over with each new expansion. We always end up with the last tier of the previous expansion and the new tier of the new expansion basically being the same. Waste of developer resources. Spend more time copy/pasting acual gear upgrades instead of repeats. Especially if you want people to buy the new expansion. Having the first tier of gear being an upgrade in a new expansion is going to boost sale and get more people to upgrade to it. A full tier of do over gear is a waste.
    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  9. Zanarnar Augur

    Actually I would very much like to see them limit you to one logged in char per IP as boxing is probably the biggest group killer... why PUG when you can be your own group.
  10. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    LOL and then when they shut down EQ the next day due to lack of profitability what do you do then? That horse has left the barn do closing the doors now would be insane.

    Never mind the silliness of the idea in the first place. Do you know how many people play the game from the same IP? Not boxes but husbands and wifes, siblings, roommates, parents and kids? Not a well thought out idea at all.
    Soltara and Lisandra like this.
  11. Zanarnar Augur

    No it wasn't, but it wasn't meant to be either. However I do feel its a bigger issue in terms of killing PUG groups then mercenaries are. I'd suggest making EQ a single-instance program but thats pretty easy to work around, too.

    Shame too, with most people boxing its very tough-near impossible to find a PUG these days; and since soloing is boring, its part of the reason I'm still doing RoF group content. Can only bite off what I can molo =]
  12. Silv Augur

    If this is how you truly feel there are places that would suit your needs much better than what we have here. They'd see a huge loss of subscribers and people in the same household would flip their @#%# trying to get around the limitation. It would be an even bigger CS nightmare than the current situation.

    But but but... changing it would ruin the Excel spreadsheet for gear upgrades! Who knows what would break by editing a column! :D
    Soltara and Lisandra like this.
  13. Zanarnar Augur

    I know; and I play one or two of those hated [places] because of the 1 or 2 chars per ip limits. I agree that its not a solution for EQ because of routers/NAT but I still think boxing has done more to kill the group game then mercs.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    Blame people before for PLing characters and not knowing how to play them, Don't forget people wanting in your group only for the xp while your 3 boxing a named camp for an item and when it drops they look all crazy at you asking we going to roll on that? I also like how when your boxing they decide the kill pace it to slow and decide to help you increase the pulls or suddenly AFK. Or they die non stop because they are under geared, AA'd and just suck.

    There are plenty reasons people don't like PUG groups anymore. I agree it sucks but im also extremely hesitant to take anyone in when im just boxing and not out doing anything with the guild or people I know because of bad past experiences.
    Soltara likes this.
  15. Vaeeldar Augur

    people picked up boxing as the pug game died not the other way around. It only really became popular as it got harder and harder to find people to do things in game.

    Frankly I probably would have quit without boxing because I know longer have time to wait on people to accomplish what I want to in game. hence the 5 box setup. You really don't want people like that unsubscribing one way or another.
  16. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Forcing people to PUG would *not* be enjoyable to a huge amount of playerbase. I really don't understand why people think it's cool to tell others how to enjoy the game. Do your own thing, and let others do theirs.
    Zujilli and Ratbo Peep like this.
  17. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  18. Xanadas Augur

    More expansions? That drop items that are like +9000/+9000 hp mana? RME.....
  19. Nolrog Augur

    Yeah about a dozen programmers and developers to implement, and then a way to replace all the accounts of people that quit because you eliminated mercs and others that quit because they couldn't find a cleric/tank and you forced them to sit there doing nothing instead of popping a merc until one showed up.
  20. Orienn TreeHugger

    I think it would be cool to add some revamped older zones to current levels, maybe even some more HA's in previous expansions. Beats the hell out of doing all the ones we have now over and over again for alts. I don't think you should have zones where you can't pop mercs, I like being able to do or attempt to do something molo if I can't find a group.
  21. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    As others have said boxing grew in popularity as the PUG games died not the other way around. Same with mercs. And I suspect without both EQ would already be in maintenance mode.
    Soltara likes this.