Next expansion ores should be....

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by MachoSod, Mar 30, 2023.

  1. MachoSod Lorekeeper

    This single ore per slot was not a great addition this year. I also feel that ore drops were a bit too easy in previous expansions.

    I propose the following:
    Visible Ore
    Non-Vis Ore (includes range and charm)
    Weapon Ore (including shield and bow)
    Aug Ore

    More than before and less than now. Good middle ground?
    Tegila, Ozon, alanus and 2 others like this.
  2. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Not a bad idea, but what about range/charm? What slot do they fall in? How about:

    I definitely dont like how it is currently. Someone in a thread mentioned having them on group vendor to spend mission coin on. I could back that idea. Id still like to see spells/ornaments on the vendors also for mission coin. I know ornaments rot like dead leaves in the winter but sometimes getting that last item to fill a suit can take forever.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I would think that non-vis would include charm and non bow range items and weapon would include shields and bows.
  4. MachoSod Lorekeeper

    Yeah, that is what I thinking. I’ll edit my first post.
  5. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Or time for something completely different than artificially extending the "content" of an expansion this way.
  6. Ozon Augur

    This proposal is miles ahead of the NoS system. Do you have any ideas what the drop rates and costs would be?
    Dre. likes this.
  7. Vumad Cape Wearer

    TOL was fine. This is obnoxious. The proposal is better than what we have now but really isn't necessary. Forcing T2 raid items or T3 group items to rot because they are the wrong slot is a completely needless time sink in a game that already relies heavily on time sinks.

    Also, Make the items needed to craft the gear purchasable with expansion currency. The same stuff you can use to group anything should be able to be used to buy Type 3 augs and the 20-40kPP items needed to craft armor.
    Fenthen likes this.
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I would be OK with 1 ore for a group of items IF whatever dropped that specific ore type dropped it everytime...whether that be a mission chest or a named mob. Killing named after named after named with no drops...or running a specific mission for a specific thing to drop several nights in a row and not getting anything isn't even remotely fun.

    If they want to stick with this insane concept of slot specific, random drops then they need to put them on the group merchant and let us purchase them with currency...just like the same system the raiders have.

    Or...they can just come to their senses and go back to universal ores which worked just fine since TBL.
    alanus likes this.
  9. Cicelee Augur

    I think this is an excellent compromise between the generic ore of last expansion and the slot specific of this.

    However, let me play devil's advocate for the conversation for a moment. DBG is a business. They are a for profit company, meaning they want to make money (obviously). They make money (outside of expansion sales) primarily through monthly subscriptions paid based on 1/3/6/12 months. I am going to ignore lifetime memberships because all that income has already been realized and cannot generate future income.

    Now, we all know new content comes once a year. We all know that devs are limited and few, and cannot create actual content to keep us entertained all year. If an expansion is released and a grouper or raider is able to fully complete all aspects of an expansion- progression, gear, AA, achievements, etc- by mid March, then the incentive for some/many decreases substantially. One could unsubsidized in April or May, take half a year off and come back for the next expansion.

    If some/many players are able to complete everything and take half a year off and cancel their subscription for half a year, how is DBG making money off those people?

    My point is- they need to keep us around for the year to make money. Artifical time sinks, whether it be cloak grind XP or slot specific ores, are going to be around. There is nothing we (or they) can do about it. So while I am not a fan of the current slot specific situation, and I am a fan of this compromise... keep in mind that they want our money all year. So if our proposal makes it so that people are geared up by March and have everything done, it is not going to fly in front of a for profit business.

    I don't know what the right answer is. I know last expansion I was able to raid gear 3 toons by September on a 70% ish raid attendance rate. I easily could have said "peace" in May and saved myself some cash. But is everyone like me, who will pay and play for 12 months? Or if given the opportunity to have everything done by March and save $100 for six months, would players go that route?
  10. MachoSod Lorekeeper

    Yeah I totally get that. But we went from all slot ore to single slot ore... It was too far too quick. Give us at least a happy transition for a couple of years with ore that fits multiple slots. It is just brutal now especially for raids... Earring ores are out of control because they are far too rare for how many folks want/need them.
  11. Cicelee Augur

    They did lower the cost of the pres. I believe a player who attends all raids can buy all their gear via currency, but I did not run the specific math to verify. But I would think that is would be close. Which just means a couple apparition loots from raid chests is all you would need.

    It would be nice if someone did the math on how much currency someone who is in a guild that clears all raid events and raids weekly, how much currency they would have accumulated throughout the year... and then subtract the currency cost for each specific slot on raid vendor. See what that number is. If you still have currency left over, then theoretically you can vendor buy all pieces and miss a couple raids...
  12. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Raiders are not finishing T2 raid armor in the year with but a few exceptions, and those who are quitting are either soaking up the gear and then not farming or showing up at the end of the farm cycle. I don't see this change keeping those people subbed.

    Group gear can be fixed by simply reducing the drop rate.

    I don't think cumbersome loot methods will maintain subscriptions. Actually, I think people are more likely to get frustrated by continuously not getting what they want and make them want to quit sooner. People who want to play alts are now having a harder time gearing anything, and those who want to min/max are having plenty of opportunities to grind out slayer and other sinks.
    FYAD likes this.
  13. Lubianx Augur

    Just to play Devil's advocate (I am neutral the way it is now), they also went from ores not being best in slot to being best in slot without transition too. ROS drops were better that "ores" and TBL ore was better than drops (except evolving).
  14. Svann2 The Magnificent

    If that is saying raiders wont be able to complete T2 in all slots I disagree. Im about middle of the pack in dkp and already 3/4 done. Feels like about the same speed as last year.

    edit: I take that back. I looted my 9th and final calcified bloodied ore on July 17 22. This year is going much faster than last year.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  15. Herf Augur

    At first glance I thought the title of this thread was talking about Orcs. Then I thought, "YES, we need more orcs!" Let's have more funny/annoying orc stuff in future expansions or events.

    "Orks are camped!"

    Maybe Orks should be wearing red and blue armor...
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Changing loot isn't going to keep players entertained for 6 months. For the first time I've decided not to bother with the TS items and go with the completed simpler items, where I don't have to look up every time which ore creates what. Evolving the cloak is just as annoying.

    They want to keep me on live for an extra six months make more entertaining content. Going back and killing stuff I killed 20 years ago for 2 years isn't cutting it.
    Moege and Fenthen like this.
  17. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    You guys should all migrate to FV. We sell our unwanted raid loot right in the bazaar! T2 cloak lining fetched for 6 krono and we rolled that off the next raid for all members attending.
    Cadira likes this.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Always wondered when DB would add the toilet paper ore cause with NoS you need something to wipe the crappy system off with.

    At work I love and embrace change as a chance to stretch my ability to adapt and hope they buy my BS. At home *##$E#$ change! Put it back to single ores. But this change would be better then nothing.
  19. Windance Augur

    We had a discussion in guild the other day about what we'd like to see with respect to raid loot.

    One of the proposals was similar to TDS cultural armor.

    Most of the drops are a base armor/weapon = T1 raid stats with a few T2 items that make augments for the T1 gear.

    This makes the T1 gear 'valuable' because everyone needs the base gear.
    The T2 aug gives you best in slot item when added to the T1 gear.

    Not sure how they'd go about itemizing and unlocking in the vendor but ...
    strongbus likes this.
  20. Marton Augur

    Next expansion ore should be ... what we had before, you know, ... simple ore bricks.
    Yinla, Corwyhn Lionheart and Barton like this.