New World drops

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by fransisco, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. Enkel Augur

    There was two elders, from what I am told, that were dropping the items on a regular basis, not just one. Those two were the ones with the extremely high chance to drop the item. From what I was told, and I'm probably slightly off so please forgive me, is that these two had a lower chance than the rest, so the other ones would drop it more, therefore these two had the higher chance to drop the rares, or something of the sort. Hopefully a developer can give exact details soon, cause I'm probably butchering the fine details of it all.
  2. Edrick Augur

    I was just about to quote your unedited version and post head-exploding.gif.
    Axxius and Enkel like this.
  3. Axxius Augur

    Yeah, I see it now. Basically the last mobs in the quest script's order would have higher chances of not getting the quest drop.
  4. Enkel Augur

    Yeah. I bugged this like you did, and mentioned this to a few guildies in vent when this blew up on the forums. The concept I used to explain this, by no means the best at all, was a parent object and a child object. The properties of a parent object can be transferred to the child object, but the individual properties of the child object would not be projected back to the parent object. The child object (the two elder's that didn't have the quest loot) would then have a higher chance to drop the rares (a completely different object instance), but the other elders (other child objects that did have the quest loot) did not drop them with the same percentages. Again, not the greatest example, but it is what I told a few guildies at the time.
  5. Axxius Augur

    Oh hey, maybe this also solves the CLOTH CAP mystery! :eek: Some bugged script was giving mobs items that didn't exist yet. Illegal item ID was resulting in the cloth cap. But now these item ID's are taken by the uber drops.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Don't they have team meetings to decide this stuff?

    It would be nice to have clarification from either of them as to whether this is intended and if not, what they are going to do about it, the longer this goes on the worse it gets.
  7. Trajet D'Or Augur

    You have a situation where items dropped at a much higher rate than intended and Elidroth's clearly inaccurate quote now leaves you an out to nerf the drops so they collective decide not to have Chandrok, Roshen, Prathun or Phathom post it on the boards, twitter, reddit or motd to clarify anything about the most time sensitive issue in EQ while they have meetings and in a few weeks or months decide what to do about the items that have dropped.

    Oops, Krono are available now so the above paragraph is no longer true.

    Currently you have people (contemplating) spending $34+ to purchase an item in EQ, every hour of delay means more cash purchases directly related to the most powerful tradeable items that non-FV servers have ever seen:

    Centurio Choker
    AC: 148, 85 total Heroics HP: +3162 MANA: +2945 ENDUR: +3131
    Effect: Ancestral Memories III (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 0.5) (16% overhaste)
    Effect: Improved Parry / Block VII (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
    Focus: Blooming of the Bosque III

    And every time someone buys Krono and then immediately purchases an item like that or a weapon far beyond what has ever been tradeable on a non-FV server you've dug the hole a little deeper and Elidroth's quote on the board isn't going to help you get out of it.

    Stop thinking back to pre-Krono days when you could just parrot "no cash value" and casually swing the nerf bat and point to a Dev quote and say "players should have known they might be nerfed". People are making $US purchases entirely based on the existence of these items.

    I realize Absor is back on the EQ team and probably suggesting you just delete the message boards to deal with this issue but it's 2014 and you've monetized virtual goods and you'll need to come up with a different and more legal solution to the situation and the sooner the better.
    Jalir and TheQxx like this.
  8. SaderakhBertox Augur

    I kinda wanna say items of this power available in the hands of a person who never raids is ok. The manner it was implemented was incorrect.

    RoF's class weapon required some real work. The augs from the achievements in RoF required some real work.

    Why were these like this? Why couldn't there have been a rare quest drop from the HAs, open world, and other menial tasks put in as a timesink (not VT level but RoF Partisan level) that ended with a special currency that could then be used on a special merchant?

    You could balance it all out to take roughly the same amount of time that you intended it to take to get these items in the way they were previously implemented. That gives people the ability to choose the items they want, and continue repeating it to purchase the rare items they would like to sell.

    (To the SK griping about tanking cotf named. I grouped with a group geared SK yesterday morning with probably half your AA, and he tanked cotf named just fine. Don't jump on the 'mage pets are uberer' bandwagon. COTF named were already heavily nerfed in power to accommodate the people that didn't want to use their abilities to their max. I bet there's non-tanking classes out there moloing these named already, so I believe its not your class, or tanks in general, just you.)
  9. porky Augur

    The way I read it is a 0.5pct chance to get "something" vs a 0.02pct chance to get "that specific item." Its possible this means they put 50 items on the chase list, or that some chase items are rarer than others. Either way "tested" its not 0.5pct Nor is it 0.02pct. Since it only dropped off the mob some people knew about, and did not drop off anything else. Anyone hunting randomly in CotF is wasting their time.
  10. Hazimil Lorekeeper

    Well I did about 10 Into the Hills missions, with a Pal/Clr +merc box. Always killed the 1st 8 undead, and dropped the task if the bridge mobs were not undead (so only finished the missions with bridge undead) - mainly as they are easier for me to kill (and I can slow them!).

    Did this mainly for the XP, but used HA missions for the chance of the "uber loot" drop, rather than my normal PL xp spot in chapterhouse.

    I managed to get 3 spells and a Centurio Choker, so felt very pleased with myself. As far as I am aware, I never took advantage of any bug, sloppy coding, exploit, and was just very lucky!

    However, something to remember from the EULA, which we have all agreed to:

    aka Jonathan
  11. Sinestra Augur

    I'm happy they put in the chase items in permanent content, regardless of what they do. I just wish they would figure it out so that people can enjoy it.

    I'm on test as well, so feel free to find me with your copied equipment and help me out =-)
  12. Warfare New Member

    I am going to plea with the developers/admins not to remove the items or even alter the stats of the items that already dropped. I have gotten 2 of the items and I am a casual raider and already tributed the other items I had. If the stats were reduced I would be in worse shape. Players shouldn't need to suffer a rollback for the small amount of items that actually did drop.
  13. Astehroth Elder

    Personally I welcome these chase items, EQ for me is all about getting those items aa's etc that make u fall off your chair and cry with happiness.
    I could of course choose to complain that all the months of me raiding and now groupers ....blah blah blah...... im boring myself so much I cant even be bothered to finish that sentence.

    What would be cool to see in raid drops is for a small chance for a chest to have a unique item in it that has your name on it , can only be looted by you and is specific of course to your class.
  14. Tarrin Augur

    So, from what I can tell the last 2 items I still had on me vanished.

    I didn't even look in my bags until someone in genchat said " anyone just have their drops disappear?"
  15. Cicelee Augur

    Roll back without any warning or announcement? If this is true... O boy, popcorn time!
  16. Chandrok Augur

    I would like to clear up some misconceptions floating around in the thread.
    • The quality of the items being Tier 4 RoF was intended.
    • The intended drop rate of these items was supposed to be 1/5000 NPC's. Every NPC has a chance to drop them. For unknown reasons, certain NPC's were dropping these items far more frequently than they should have been. This was only happening in Heroic Adventures as far as we can tell.
    • Nothing about this incident was intentional.
    Edrick, Tarvas, Mykaylla and 3 others like this.
  17. Sinestra Augur

    So will there be rollbacks or items being removed?
  18. Axxius Augur

    Not a roll back. Looks like a more sensible action. They are deleting just those items, not rolling people back (which would result in the loss of xp, raid currency, etc). As I said, I didn't intend to sell mine anyway, and they were a massive overkill for grouper alts. I hope they delete them all and scrap that whole terrible idea of dropping the still relevant raid loot off trash mobs.
  19. Axxius Augur

    • Bad idea?
    • 5000 mobs is easy to grind in a week even for casual players. You want a casual grouper to have 1 raid item per week? BAD IDEA.
    • You still haven't found the reason why this was happening? /sigh
    Westo likes this.
  20. Cicelee Augur

    So anyone who has, on their character, one of these global drops as of now is having the item removed and erased? Or is it only those items obtained from the HA situation?

    If I was a player and legitimately looted mine off of a trash mob in WK non instance, only to log in later today and see it gone...I would be a tad unhappy.
    Sinestra likes this.
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