New server name suggestions

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by jeskola, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    DuneDigger for the PVE server
    Fansy for the PvP server

    So according to Risiko, supply goes up demand stays neutral or goes down = price goes up?
  2. mark Augur

    if its fv style everything all keying needs to be done in aoc otherwise everyone will be blocked out of it and it will be purely you want the best gear in game how many kronos have you ?
  3. jeskola pheerie

    Damnit, mark! Stop crapping up the Server Name Ideas thread, there are other threads for that!
  4. jeskola pheerie

  5. Risiko Augur

    :rolleyes: Wow dude... that's some really bad interpretation.

    I was talking about the fact that since the RAID GEAR will be droppable that was NOT droppable before FV-loot rules, the farmers will be dominating the keying quest mobs to keep others (like you) from getting keyed to get in to those raid zones that require keying BECAUSE they will be wanting to SALE those now droppable raid gear items for krono/plat.

    How exactly is something that was NOT TRADABLE before that will now be TRADABLE mean "prices goes up"? It wasn't able to be sold before. Hello. McFly. Is this thing on?!?!!??

    I need more coffee. Too early in the morning for this level of WTF.
  6. Tymeless Augur

    lord bob!
  7. Face_Rollan Journeyman

    I don't think there's an option for it to be called anything else?
  8. Torg New Member

    Kronotrigger because that fact that there are krono, will have people triggered.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    Not everyone gets warm and fuzzy feelings from that name. Just FYI.
  10. Torg New Member

    Whether you liked him or not, game wouldn't be here without him.
  11. feigntrain Elder

    Honestly it doesn't matter. Call it TLPy McTLPface for all I care. What ruleset? Are they going to do anything interesting for once? Are they going to address any of the problems that exist on every TLP?

    No. They're not. They're just creating another future dead server when the new TLP comes out next year.
  12. Accipiter Old Timer

    Thanks Captain Obvious.
  13. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    It's not an interpretation i'm pointing out something you missed. Raid gear isn't worth on FV compared to normal servers. The fact that almost all gear is droppable devalues the price of gear in general by a lot especially for items that come from DZ/Instances

    You can't really lock people out of VT or ST with the way pick zones work, you kinda can try for VP, but they've already changed that quest multiple times for TLPs. The main advantage these types of people have is a lot of free time this is a huge advantage when mobs spawn ever 20 mins and being on 24 hours a day makes you get a ton more loot. But when it comes to things that have multiday spawn timers but have DZs for it really isn't.

    It was able to be sold via loot rights. On top of that the fact they more items are sellable devalues its sell price. Take scepter of destruction as an example this item is super expensive because it's a great twink weapon, rare and a good agro weapon. When all loot becomes dropable items like
    Become available for purchase and since the demand for a good twink or agro weapon that is droppable stays they same the price of SoD goes down.

    There would be RMT on a FV TLP. But it would be more of the Off night "meth previous expansion raids" type rather then the AFK botter/voldemort types.
  14. jeskola pheerie

    Out of curiosity, I ran a quick, basic trademark search for Aradune to see if Pantheon had it, and the only item that turned up is this grim one:

  15. mark Augur

    why would daybreak cut their income with just 1 new pve tlp,selos was very well populated and mangler had people waiting to log in,i loved selos exept truebox and dident start in classic hard to keep up with so many raids and working full time,if they want to make a pvp server it should be a 3rd server.
  16. Tierdal Augur

    save for selo 2.0
  17. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

  18. Discord Ocean of Tears Conservationist

  19. Herf Augur

  20. mark Augur

    my issue with fv his i love raiding its hard enough to keep geared witha 2 or 3 month unlock tlp but if its fv people would be thats a small upgrade we can sell that instead.