Need advice on my setup on FV

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Risiko, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. gotwar Gotcharms

    If your Bard is a crappy Enchanter that runs fast, you're doing it wrong.

    What the Bard brings to that group:
    Fierce Eye for 2 out of every 3 minutes. Basically a miniature IoG that affects both melee and spells, making both crit harder more frequently.
    Healing critical hit rate increase for the SK.
    Bard Epic.
    Quick Time, a hundred-hands effect that makes the SK and Monk hit faster.
    Aria, a 100% uptime stacking spell damage increase the SK doesn't normally have access to, making lifetaps hit harder and heal for more damage. Also boosts melee DPS.
    Dirge, bladewhirl, more ADPS and debuffs for big nameds.
    ADPS for both the SK and the Monk, via the abilities listed above, making everything die faster.
    Selo's, letting the group run at mount speed without the need for a mount (monks can't kick or FD while on a mount)
    Track, a godsend when you're new to the content and need to farm named NPCs for gear.
    Passable CC and slows.
    "Fire and forget" playstyle via melody that still lets the Bard do most of what it's supposed to do.
    Easiest Double Invis in the game.

    What the Enchanter brings to that group:
    Good CC, something that will lose its usefulness as the OP gets levels and gear for the SK.
    Strong haste and slows.
    Mediocre DPS if paid attention to. Extremely poor DPS if not.
    Spell ADPS that does nothing for the Monk, and only provides limited spell ADPS uptime (about a quarter of Fierce Eye uptime) for the SK.
    ....runes? Something that will, again, lose its usefulness as the OP gets levels and gear for the SK. Also requires OP to pay attention to the Enchanter.
    Night's Endless Terror at level 103.

    I main an Enchanter, and I can tell you exactly how wasted I'd feel in that group. The clear "best" choice for Monk/SK would be Bard (if you're choosing between Ench/Bard) because the Bard benefits both members of the group.

    That being said, there's no wrong answer. Monk/SK/Ench can do everything Monk/SK/Bard can do. It'll just do it a little slower; it's up to the OP to decide which group is more enjoyable to play. That's all that really matters.

    AA Selo's is velocity 75/76, the same as "fast" mounts. There's a spell Selo's that's even faster. I think it's Velocity 85/86.

    I think Cheetah is velocity 55. You can look on your stat tab the next time you're running; you'll find velocity on the left hand side close to the top.
  2. Risiko Augur

    My play times are very sparadic at best as we are super casual players now days. Shoot me an in-game mail, so I know who you are, and can chat with you.

  3. Sagarmatha Augur


    I am good at boxing, but It's not fun when it feels like work. Nothing is easier than boxing a Bard (or Wizard), and the utility of my Bard comes in handy in certain situations (especially TRACKING). I am a SK, and will never give up my pocket Bard. It's amazing how much more powerful a DPS becomes when you add a Bard.
    code-zero likes this.
  4. Quill Augur

    Agreed. I two-box and often use the tank merc. If I want to tank, i'll swap it for the rogue merc.

    But I don't tend to run CC as I use a War/Shaman with a tank/healer merc. In most missions, you're looking at 1-3 on a pull and when most stuff gets slowed(particularly LoY, I didn't slow anything pre-65 lol), its tame as a kitten. I also prefer missions, as opposed to simply PL'ing it up, or one-spot camping for hours. Its not like i'm going to play these hardcore anyways. So LDON's(up until 65, when the xp drops off a cliff), and then I started LOY missions for and giggles and those have been interesting.
  5. Kamor Lorekeeper

    Outside of a few events, missions or named CC is pretty much dead.

    Slow will compensate for being under geared, if you out level or out gear the content you are going through, slow becomes less and less necessary. Shaman and I believe Enchanters also have a cripple component to their slow, that is especially helpful if your tank is missing some ac/defensives.

    Personally I would drop the Enchanter and add a bard and shaman.
  6. Quill Augur

    Once the shaman gets the line that starts with Lingering Sloth, things get fun. It'll proc slow so everything that hits you not only can get slowed, but give you agro.

    Even with good defensives, if the mobs aren't getting slowed, post-65 a 2-3 mob pull can chew you up or cause the heal merc to take it when it goes to heal you. With slow, its just /snore.

    Granted, you can also solve it with CC.. but, as stated, i'm not much for CC'ing.
  7. bigpapa Augur

    @ risiko check your parcel ------------->>> mugh I sent you some items * enjoy* I sent you an e-mail you didn't respond I guess too busy or didn't noticed hehe , have fun.

    BTW, I got a shaman , last trial of three we did, and merc healer died ( I play 5 on same comp /screen , no is_boxer ) so I ended up to solo heal that with my shaman ( the 1st 2 boss ), , good to have a healer when things not going good , we killed both boss and merc was gtg for the 3rd one and I was able to finish that trial np.

    and with shm I always have cheetah run speed avail ( got an hotkey to cast cheetah run speed and invisible one click ), always have the buffs ) not only the hp buff,( at higher level ) got a 11 % avoidance on it, 164 attack and Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 11% .

    with aa slow that you can cast in between casts easy , even into an hotkey .
    1: Cast: Turgur's Insects (Highest Rank)
    2: Cast: Turgur's Diminishment IV
    Skill: Melee
    Target: Single
    Range: 250'
    Resist: Magic -2000, No Sanctification
    Reflectable: Yes
    Focusable: Yes
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 8m+ (80 ticks), Dispelable: No
    1: Increase Disease Counter by 23
    3: Decrease STR by 321
    4: Decrease AC by 132
    5: Decrease DEX by 321
    6: Decrease AGI by 321
    7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 18%

    and with a aa root ( one single target and other one AE root, ) shm can be pretty good at CC when needed.
    Outlander Engine and Risiko like this.
  8. bigpapa Augur

    @ risiko , there is a npc in POT ( plane of tranquility ) lyndalin delwadamain , can check find window ( CTRL + F ) , you can have what you are missing ( need to use your remnant of tranquility currencies to buy them ) .
    you can open inventory / alt curr.. / can check the * show currencies you don't have * , click the remnant of tranq and choose ** reclaim ** and you will be able to buy from that npc what you are missing .... armors from nameds or tasks have better stats as well , you can check bazaar if there are any at decent prices too,

    for the augments . the npc is in plane of health ( TBM expansion ) name is { montelio danhowe }.
    if you can't see the augments you will need to do into the temple b task . if you can't I could help you on that one. have fun,
  9. Risiko Augur

    I logged in today, and got your parcels. Thank you so much. It greatly improved my SK.

    I hadn't been on much lately due to work and life >.<
  10. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    Have you started the SK epic? Get your 2.0 ASAP. I can't recall when you get shield flash. But combine and alternate the two and you have some nice options to initiate multiple mob pulls with. Pull 3 to 4, click one of these two(along with AE aggro spell\AA), then sort out with bard or chanter who you want to fight 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. Chanters with AE tash and AE mezz can be very effective at this task.