My Thoughts on Phinny So Far

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Frenzic, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Frenzic Augur

    Another one of those "boxing is easy" people? I'd love to see you try and box raid content on live servers. Few people can do it solo.

    If you're on phinny, come check out how good I am at controlling a single character. I'm not boxing at all here.
  2. Lateryn Augur

    Boy there is a lot of arsehurt in this thread.

    The word of the day is "Envy".

    Don't let Raynard fool you, he boxed all the time on Test(maybe still does who knows).
    Frenzic likes this.
  3. Ladysoth Augur

  4. Raynard Augur

    I resorted to boxing at the end of TFO Test's run in UF and HoT. Accounted for over half the raid dps on our Cliknar Queen win. It was not hard. All it takes is time to learn and set up the boxing software...
  5. Tachyon Augur

    Please! Boxing is easy. With the amount of variable inputs this game has. If you find it hard you are not anywhere near as talented as you claim to be.

    Explain to me in detail the parts you perceive as difficult.
  6. Lateryn Augur

    You and frenzic are more a like then you think. Not sure your egos would fit in the same room.
  7. Frenzic Augur

    Prob right. The only difference is I have good looks, make a lot more money and am better at the game. :p
  8. Lejaun Augur

    You forgot to add humble.
    Frenzic likes this.
  9. Raynard Augur

    I have a bit of ego, it's necessary to drive you to try and top the parse every night. That helps the guild.

    Frenzic's ego is on a whole different level.
  10. Vazuvius Augur

    I think delusional fits.
  11. Brunlin Augur

    Hmm...because I was home for 15 mins before I had to leave again. If I dont have time to log on for a gaming session thana few mins on the forums makes sense..I do read the can do that from a cell stupid troll.
  12. Sheaffer Augur

    Okay you've piqued my curiosity, what raid content do you box on live? I would think that at 105 in modern gear, a good bit of CTOV would be boxable and probably a couple early ROF raids
  13. T_LoL_P_Servers New Member

    You strike me as the type of person I would enjoy throwing feces at.
  14. Elkay Augur

    I know it wasn't directed at me, but I did up through end of GoD so far. I have 3 105s and you can't bring mercs into raids. I normally fill out my group with mercs.
  15. bobjones1208 Augur

    I've never had any run-ins with Frenzic, so nothing negative to say in that regard but Raynard is one of the most skilled rogues I've ever played with.
  16. Abazzagorath Augur

    We have someone in our guild that boxes current expansion raids on another server. He's probably been a top 5-10 guild serverwide by himself the last 3-4 expansions if he had bothered reporting it >.<
  17. Angered Augur

    The server is 95% perfect IMO... The slow leveling is what it is!

    1. Pets need more HP the nerf was too 2 to much! an increase of 35-50%HP is a must
    2. You need to 2 too add 30 additional days of the server time... the pace is real... real slow....
    3. Melee still need a buff or some sort if you had to add a perma attack buff of 300-500ish it has to be needed... I saw a poor group in Upperguk all melee minus the cleric... I had a pure caster group SHM/MAG/Nec/ENC/Wiz/Mag Boom went frogs and fast (esp with clarity pots) its not even fair.
  18. Frenzic Augur

    You made me smile so big :D
  19. Frenzic Augur

    I'm not saying Raynard is a poor player, he'd make a fine drone in pretty much any guild. I'm just saying for as skilled as you think he is, I'm better.
    Sheaffer likes this.
  20. Pseudofate Augur

    Frenzic, Sheaffer and Elkay like this.