My house is empty

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Bigstomp, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. Bigstomp Augur

    Petitioned this, but nobody seems to care and it's been a week.

    I placed a familiar in my yard and my entire house emptied.
    All trophies gone, including tradeskill.
    My cats are gone.
    Tons of ex raid gear I was keeping as trophies gone.

    It should be so easy to fix, just restore my house to what it was before and give me my familiar back (and fix the code so it doesn't all disappear).

    Would be cool to build new gear via tradeskills, but my trophies are gone.
  2. Kodachi Augur

    I had this happen to me, I found the game had created a file that listed the contents of my house so I added that to the petition and it was resolved after that.
  3. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    so, that data, contained inside EQ is too elusive for actual employees to find?
  4. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    It seems so. They asked me what items I had that I had lost in real estate, and all I could provide was the saved RE layout files which don't provide ownership of each item. They seemingly don't keep data tracked anywhere that Spoom/Doex can access.
  5. Kodachi Augur

    Its a client side file so they wouldn't have access to it. I do think its been reported as a bug or something. I got everything that was missing back. I only really cared about the trophies because you can't reacquire them.
  6. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    trophies are proven by /ach and should be petitionable at least.

    I feel that. I transferred a couple characters over the years who lost items on the move. One years and years ago lost the contents of real estate including placed Tradeskill trophies I never redid. The other was just a couple months ago. I transferred several characters and one character lost some 80 slots of gear and tradeskill materials. I think the only thing I asked for to be replaced was an heirloom mount as the character was essentially a relegated unused character. The loots were just common group gear and tradeskill materials of the lowest order. It surprises me that EQ doesn't.. I don't know, maybe jot this down on a movelog. It seems like a simple text output might save a LOT of headaches on both sides of the aisle.
  7. Bigstomp Augur

    Literally my house went from full to empty. Of course I don't take a log file every time I touch something in my yard. (note, my house is empty, I only touched my yard)
    Taking a log every time I touched some sorta inventory related thing on my account would end up with me logging spider silks.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  8. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    I know, right? It's amazing to me that Everquest doesn't have a simple text log of these important transactions. I have never once gotten a saved real estate layout to place properly. The whole system is sketchy.