My Awesome Box Collection

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Baramos, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Baramos Augur

    I collected boxes for years. Literally. My prized box was the Bottomless Box, of course. And the Kedge box. And Abu. And more.

    I still have them, and sadly eye them once in awhile.

    Crazy hobby.

    I miss it, though. It sure would be neat to upgrade the boxes in my collection. With *magic* of course.
  2. Zaph Augur

    I asked Absor about this (upgrade rare containers) a short while after this first bigger bags were introduced, he seemed to like the idea and said he would consider it.

    Then probably forgot all about it.

    Bottomless box is indeed very rare, I dont own one, got pretty much all the others though.
    Baramos likes this.
  3. Tobynn Augur

    I was once an avid container collector. Prior to the advent of big bags, I had accumulated 30+ different 10-slot 100% weight reducing containers. To the best of my knowledge, the only ones I was missing were the Adventurer/Pirate containers only available on Legends servers and an item named Hoshkar's Gall Bladder.

    Despite efforts, I never could ascertain any specific information about the Hoshkar bag. It doesn't even exist on Alla's/Lucy, although Magelo still has a link to it. Back when EQPlayers was still available, I found a single player who had that bag, and never had any luck contacting that person to learn how/where/when the bag was acquired. I do know that once upon a time a loooooooooong time ago, the dragon Hoshkar was bugged and would spawn not as an expected dragon graphic but as a large brown bag. Perhaps the container was a play on that, a GM-awarded item or something.

    I continue to seek out the old coin purses from pre-revamp Skyshrine. I have turned up a couple through the years, but still don't have a full set. Also still seeking the Ring of Fire containers, but I honestly don't expect to ever see either of those surface -- rare raid drops from limited time content only beat by a handful of guilds serverwide a decade ago. Yeah, not happenin'.

    The Dakoit Coin Purse remains one of my prized possessions :)
    Baramos likes this.
  4. Baramos Augur

    Haha. Glad I'm not the only one.

    Another unrelated thing... back in the olden, olden days, before there was an ECommons tunnel Bazaar, and the PGTs and FBRs and Ivory Bracers were coming out of *mysterious places*, I got a lot of enjoyment out of being a traveling merchant. I wasn't in it for the plat (no one had any heh), but the sheer OMGness of people seeing incredible items for the first time, that they had no idea existed in the game..... That was the real reward. I made a lot of friends that way.

    I know we can't go back, but the earliest days were so incredible that I still ache for that intensity of feeling.

    Another thread is talking about going back to Freeport. How about the trek from Qeynos to Freeport. Same zones. New mobs. That was really one of the most terrifying trips I ever made in the game. 20 level 8 players being annhilated by a Gorge Hound. Almost got him, but then his buddy showed up.


    I still get some of that if I unravel quests *by myself* instead of using eqresource, etcetera. Me, my pet, and my mercenary manage to pull bits of real satisfaction in the couple hours I have to play every other day or so.

    Sorry for the de-rail. I tend to ramble...