Monk Gear

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Moleh, May 24, 2016.

  1. Moleh New Member

    I have a Mage, Ench, Druid box and was thinking about adding a puller but would also like them to pull their weight in terms of DPS.

    My Question is how much is Monk dependant on gear for its DPS? Is it all about Weapon or will I need to get full raid gear to compare to a caster DPS in the group? The Monk will not get much from the group in terms of synergy so is a monk the best choice?


  2. Cowbelle New Member

    I think monks are less depended on support compared to the other pure melee, but I don't play any as a main so take that for what it is worth.

    If you want something to add DPS, just add a wizard as it will benefit from Enc. The Enc can pull np's
  3. Sikanle Lorekeeper

    Monk doesn't depend as much on gear or support as others, as our DPS is nearly 50% kicks. Just get a decent set of arms / legs for the focus & a mnk/bst 2hander (once you get all the 2hander aas...). The issue is you will have to do a lot of spamming to keep up, you can't just auto attack, which can be difficult with 4 toons going. You will probably have a hard time keeping up with the mage since it has ench/druid for support too. Can't enchanters pull? Just my 2 cents. Bards are pretty low maintenance as a box toon and will up the synergy of your whole group + they can pull.
  4. Picaresque Augur

    Does the Kick attribute of a Preserving Sifter's Tunic affect all forms of kick (flying, round) or is it just for Beastlord kick? The Manifested Etheric Chestwraps of the Unwavering have flying kick 10. Is this difference significant?
  5. Moleh New Member

    Thank you again for the reply. I suppose in away I do want to just add a fourth and looking to justify it as a puller :). Are Bards very gear dependant and would there be loads of overlap with the Chanter?
  6. Sikanle Lorekeeper

    Kick attribute does not affect flying kick and the flying kick mod on gear doesn't do much anyway at level 105. I haven't played a bard too much but I would say they do just fine in group gear and they will not overlap much with the Chanter. I see Chanter + Bard supporting caster DPS groups on raids all the time. The Bard wont do very much DPS itself but will boost the DPS of the other toons and also has other utility like mana regen, run speed, etc. If you just want a fourth toon for fun either one will work, you have all of your bases covered either way and you will net roughly the same amount of DPS gain I imagine. Monk will probably take a little bit more gearing / aaing to be useful over bard.
  7. iZealot Lorekeeper

    At 105 with decent gear and AA you could probably pull 30k spamming buttons.