Money solution proposal...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goneamuk, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. Goneamuk Journeyman

    With so many things becoming based on a monetary scale of kronos, it's made the use of the bazaar a bit mute. It got me thinking of a possible fix that wouldn't cause any problems with the current financial setups on any servers. One possible fix would be add another type or 2 types of coins (mithril and adamantite for example). The problem is that'd involve redesigning UIs, and an untold number of formulas. Also, would that pose any problems for people on different servers - Live, Test, Progression, etc.

    So, the better idea of changing the values of the coins. Instead of 1000 copper = 100 electrum = 10 gold = 1 platinum, changing it to 1000000 copper = 10000 electrum = 100 gold = 1 platinum.

    An existing 10 million plat would become 10 billion copper and then, with the new system, becomes 10,000 plat. An item currently selling for 3 million plat currently can't sell in the bazaar. This would fix that and let items sell for far easier, and give lots of room for growth.

    Since coin has no weight now, it may be easiest to simply convert looted money to copper as well. Done before the conversion means mobs that dropped 20 plat before would be dropping 2 electrum + some copper
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    This would not change anything as the item worth 3 million plat will effectively cost the same after you have adjusted decimal places so you still won't be able to sell it for that value in the bazzar. Changing the exchange rate between currencies won't fix the issue since the bazzar treats it all as copper for pricing purposes.
  3. noclue Elder

    What is the Krono/bazaar problem you are trying to solve?
    I don't buy or sell Krono and never will, only use bazaar occasionally for TS, so not sure what problem you are trying to "fix".
    Nolrog likes this.
  4. Gialana Augur

    It sounds like you're looking for a way for items to sell for larger amounts in the bazaar. There is a recent thread on this in the Veteran section titled "Increase plat limit in /bazaar" with a few replies from Ngreth. In particular, he states in post 77 of that thread that by far, the simplest solution is to fix the 32-bit problem in the bazaar. However, this has not risen to the top of the the todo list.
  5. svann Augur

    Guessing the fact that kronos typically sell for more than the bazaar cap, as do a few other items.

    If they removed the "tax" on nobles then people could use that.
  6. Funk Augur

    Just give sellers in bazaar the ability to set a Noble price. So now one could sell a krono for say 20 Nobles, if a player wants to buy one they simple visit npc there and buy the desired number of nobles and buy the krono. Also barters could offer x amount of Nobles for krono. The noble is in place it's time to really use it.
  7. slayerofbats Augur

    He is right that it is a problem. The first problem is that the bazaar has a coded limit of 2m plat, and changing that would require some serious dev effort. Kronos are over 2m plat on some servers, so this means they can't be traded on the bazaar.

    Another problem is that inflation has grown so high that plat is not worth much anymore and people are mostly just trading items now straight for Kronos. Top items can get sold for several kronos which just shouldn't be happening, it is not healthy for a game. People should be buying things with in game money, and buying and selling Kronos should be for people to make some cash or for hardcore players to buy themselves a month's subscription. This is how Kronos were intended to work, rather than people just buying a dozen of them to buy loot directly.

    The problem with inflation is that it just happens, it is inevitable. It happened so much that plat became worth so little now, and Krono has become the common currency. But in time, Krono will become worth less too, which will mean rich players buy 50 of them to buy items, and it will completely exclude a lot of normal players. So short term, DBG can just enjoy all the Krono sales they are no doubt getting at the moment. But long term, they need to fix this for the long term health of the game. Luckily, gameplay mechanics can fix it.
  8. Stymie Pendragon

    Until the bazaar calculates currency in something other than copper your point is moot. I don't want to mute anyone's ideas though. I like to hear them. :)
  9. Goneamuk Journeyman

    The problem isn't just kronos. There's a lot of items that sell for prices over 2 mil plat, I've seen several items sell for 50-65 kronos. I didn't realize the bazaar calculated everything on copper. With that fact, it makes my idea mute.
  10. Derd Augur

    I'm so glad I don't play with the thought anything is worth a single krono... but multiples? The level of silliness some eq players go to is mind boggling.
  11. Aurastrider Augur

    This was actually a topic not that long ago and here is what the dev had to say:

    Ngreth ThergnDeveloper

    MyShadower said:
    “There are a number of ways around this 32 bit limit. They probably just do not see a good risk/reward ratio in implementing any of them.

    It would probably be easier to just make another coin denomination but that likely has low to no payoff as well.”
    Another coin type may actually be more of a task than the various conversion options to excede 32 bits.

    We don't ignore these requests for breaking 2m in the bazaar, but it still has not made the risk vs reward vs time vs impact threshold yet.

    And this is going to be my last word on this subject for now.
    Adam "Ngreth" Bell
    Senior Designer, EverQuest
    Ngreth Thergn, Sep 8, 2017 Report
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  12. Joules New Member

    Why not tax the Kronos say 10k plat a month for owning one might hurt the hoarders and slow down the trade on items for Kronos only
    No plat in account no problem DB games will automatically consume one for you and convert it to 1 million plat to pay your taxes
  13. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    So I have 1 krono that I have had for a few months. It was a gift from someone for helping them. As my money flow is not always dependable I am hanging on to it in case I need to use it for a month subscription if I cannot pay thru credit card for whatever reason. I am not a raiding player, I burnt out on that many years ago. I play casually and there is not a chance in Chardok I will ever earn enough to buy a krono in game. So while I understand the "tax" your suggesting it seems it will work like real life taxes and wipe out the little guys. How about taxing the rich and if you own more than 10 krono then you pay a tax?
  14. svann Augur

    Im going to go out on a limb and assume you think that because you believe a krono is worth $17.99. It really isnt.
    1. Once a krono is bought it is no longer worth $17.99 since you cannot get $17.99 for it.
    2. People that buy items using kronos didnt go out and buy a bunch of kronos to do it. They traded other items to get those krono. So they arent actually paying $1000 for that uber dagger. They are trading a handful of kronos they got from trading a bunch of items, each worth far less than that dagger.
  15. fransisco Augur

    didn't make 2 weeks this time before someone posted a increase baz money cap