Mark of valor ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dunderklumpen, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Dunderklumpen New Member

    Anyway to get these from 2 boxing or even solomissions?

    Or is the only way via the missions that normally takes a full group?

  2. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    The missions are tuned to be done by two players and their mercs. I imagine a well-played two-box could do well enough. If you can handle splitting groups of three, try the Dead Hills mission Scouting Ahead from the gnome.
  3. Dreamrider Elder

    Currently, this currency is gotten by doing specific quests called Heroic Adventures from the following NPCs:

    * Captain Russell Cooper from Dead Hills
    * Ambassador Crizlyna from Bixie Warfront
    * Gribble Grobblenobber from Dead Hills
    * Skulk the Nadaxe from Dead Hills
    * Snazlieu the Shadow from Bixie Warfront
    * Naturalist Yrelia from Bixie Warfront

    However, a comment posted on Allakhazam noted (11/11/2013):

    I had a level 94 join my heroic adventure (requested w/ 2 x lvl 100s) and complete it with us. Did not get the reward (xp/marks). Petition'd. Was told he was too low to get the reward.

    Allakhazam also states 2 important points:

    - Scale in difficulty, loot quality, and mob levels (based on your group's highest level player (as low as 95).
    - Tuned for 2-3 players and their mercenaries.

    So as to 2-boxing them, it's possible. It might take you awhile and to also find a winning strategy. Good luck to you if you try!
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    I duo scouting ahead with a monk friend (im an sk) usually takes 35 to 45 minutes. wiz merc on burn/healer on balanced. Thats with both of keeping every offensive disc/clicky on cooldown though. We've tried with 2 wiz mercs it was faster but we would have ti med since i was tapping so much. so its doable.. but it aint fun
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I've duoed all but the last 3 Bixie missions...need to get the enthusiasm up again. Wizzy & Mage with 2 healer mercs, splitting the mobs was the interesting bit.
  6. Jmac Elder

    I have duoed the majority of all the heroic adventures with a bard and shammy (both in group gear) using a tank and healer merc. The mobs hit harder and have more hp than the normal mobs related to that zone, so you do have to pay more attention to what you're doing than you would in a normal grind group. I have even been able to duo several of the namers that pop inside them, but if your able to grab another person or two they will go much faster. It's been a while since I have ran any, but I think my average run time was around 1 1/2 - 2 hrs.
  7. Ravengloome Augur

    If you do Scouting Ahead the mobs hit put out alittle less DPS then T4 VOA mobs, but have a solid 1.8 to 2.1 million health, IIRC it takes 80 million damage done to kill every mob in an instance. So figure out how long it takes you on average as a duo to do 80 million damage.

    I am confused as to why a bard/shaman duo would be using a healer merc over a DPS merc? No wonder it takes ya 2 hours Jmac lol
  8. Jmac Elder

    I tried using a dps merc a few times, but my tank merc would spike too much and I usually had a lot of down time after my tank died waiting to bring him back out, (I feel like I am pretty good using my shammy box as a main healer, but some mobs I just couldn't heal against. I'm sure the fact that I watch TV, play with my 3 year old and ignore the wife yelling at me has nothing to do with being distracted while trying to heal :)) . So I just used the shammy to stack dots on the mob and for splash heals, I don't remember which missions I was doing the dps merc on, but at least with the healer merc I didn't have to worry about down time with deaths and rezzes. I would rather kill slower and constantly be doing something than to have down time and do nothing while waiting to pop a merc back out.