Mangler is now vastly more popular

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dawdle, Mar 15, 2019.

  1. Rotlust Augur

    Where do you see server loads after the revamp?
  2. Dawdle Augur

    Under support on the Main page for EQ there is an option for check server status. There you can see in game populations. Selos also has a bazaar so one should take into the account of the many bazaar mules.
  3. Rotlust Augur

    oh cool, thanks
  4. Ajjantis Elder

  5. Dawdle Augur

    This is funny you even post this at peak time. Sure Selos can and will hit a high population but it's not even close to Mangler anymore.

    Notice how this chart also shows FV as having a high population. Between the bazaar mules, afk players in GL, and boxers FV comes no where near either of the TLP servers in terms of actual active players. I don't think FV even has half the population of either of the new TLP servers.

    I remember when SoE used to show you how many players were logged in on any given server. DB spotted doing that because low number turn anyway business. I am not trying to steal anyone's thunder here but the changes to Mangler drew a much larger crowd. It's ok if people play Selo's, I will, but I think the number of people that want to actually play Selos the way I do is pretty small.

  6. Nykara2 Elder

    I probably would have been happy to mooch around behind the masses on Selos if it was free trade, since it isn't though mangler def has the better appeal with at least the chance of keeping up with expansions.
  7. Volts Elder

    Mangler may be more popular, but I think the population on Selo is increasing. After the exp increase, the Krono market really stabilized. Most of the people who are /auc to sell Krono in the bazaar are lvl 20-30. Players new to the server who have decided it's legit, and it's time to sell krono or two to twink their toon.

    What I don't understand is all the hate for Selo from Mangler folks. It's as bad as politics or sports. I don't get it. I hope both servers do well, it's whats best for the game!
  8. code-zero Augur

    Mangler's going to be more crowded since its entire population is currently stuffed into the Classic zones. overcrowding =/= popularity
  9. Ceffener Augur

    The last time subscription numbers were reported was 2004, about 10 years before DBG existed.
  10. Dailor Augur

    Weird flex but ok.