Make selos TLP-voting

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ShivanAngel, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. ShivanAngel Augur

    The one month thing is very interesting for me, on the surface I actually really like it.. most expansions after 4-6 weeks i am burnt out on it and ready to move on. However some I could spend a little more time in PoP, OoW....

    Give us the option to vote after one month if we want to unlock the next expansion.

    This would do two things...

    Extend the life of the current content by aprox 10 days-2 weeks and if the majority of the server isnt ready to move on we can have more time...
  2. TimeBreak Elder

    They've tried voting before, epic fail. You will never see player voting for unlocks again.
  3. ShivanAngel Augur

    I played on those servers and it worked just fine.... please explain the "fail" in them?
  4. Haeldar Journeyman