Magician Base Crit Chance

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Sancus, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    Clerics have the same spell crit AA as mages (Fury of Magic 27), so I did another parse of cleric crit chance:

    Total hits: 12294
    Total crits: 7212
    Normal rate: 41.3%
    Crit rate: 58.7%

    Combining mage + cleric casts:

    Total hits: 31166
    Total crits: 18345
    Normal rate: 41.14%
    Crit rate: 58.86%
  2. Silv Augur

    Ench is the same... maybe I'll have to do some side-by-side with Ench and my Mage. Seems like something weird is going on for people to be getting different numbers like that. So far it looks like the majority are at ~59% though.
  3. silku Augur

    Starting a parse up now to see how I do.
  4. silku Augur

    Jehmal -vs- Combat Dummy Beza: -- DMG: 46176442 -- DPS: 12820 -- Scaled: 12820 -- DirDmg: 45948043 -- DoT: 228399 -- Non-crit rate: 54.1% -- crit rate: 45.9% -- Attempts: 1695 -- Hits: 1695 -- Accuracy: 100% -- Avg Hit: 27242 -- Max hit: 107591 -- DMG to PC: 0

    Just an hour long parse but it looks a lot lower than I expected Crit Rate wise for chanters.

    Combat Dummy Beza on 9/3/2014

    Jehmal - 889
    --- Banestrike - 76
    --- Chromaclash Rk. II - 269
    --- Enunciation of Tashan Rk. II - 1
    --- Mindcleave Rk. II - 271
    --- Phantasmal Assault Rk. II - 272

    Produced by GamParse v1.0.3
  5. Brohg Augur

    Banestrike can't crit, afaik
  6. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    It can't. It's specially coded not to so that the damage is equal for all classes.
  7. silku Augur

    Hrm, didn't even realize I was banestriking till after the parse. Maybe I'll run another without it. It's tied to my 'k' key for nukes. I guess I should take out procs as well?
  8. Silv Augur

    Procs shouldn't matter provided they're intended to crit (unlike Banestrike in this case). You'd actually get a bigger sample size more quickly by having the extra nukes that could possibly crit. However, IMO, that is just more "stuff" compared to a strictly player defined weave. That'd actually be kindof funny if there was some discrepancy in crit rate with procs but I have a feeling someone would have found that by now. If I ever stop screwing around online I'll be able to get an extended parse of Ench/Dru/Mage side by side simultaneously. I'm actually pretty curious about this now. Knowing the true #s would definitely help for maximizing ADPS stacking.
  9. silku Augur

    Went ahead and removed my primary just in case. That should remove all dot damage too, dunno if that screws with the parser or not. About 2500 seconds into it right now. Will post once I get another hour in.
  10. Brohg Augur

    Dot damage definitely would, those crit at an independent rate
    silku likes this.
  11. silku Augur

    Alrighty, I removed my banestrike, and took out my primary (I had an aug in there that caused some corruption damage over time) and the percentage looks a lot more like I expected. I may need to run a longer sample than an hour though.

    Jehmal -vs- Combat Dummy Beza: -- DMG: 42391031 -- DPS: 11765 -- Scaled: 11765 -- DirDmg: 42391031 -- Non-crit rate: 39.7% -- crit rate: 60.3% -- Attempts: 876 -- Hits: 876 -- Accuracy: 100% -- Avg Hit: 48391 -- Max hit: 103178 -- DMG to PC: 0

    Combat Dummy Beza on 9/4/2014

    Jehmal - 839
    --- Chromaclash Rk. II - 280
    --- Mindcleave Rk. II - 279
    --- Phantasmal Assault Rk. II - 280

    Produced by GamParse v1.0.3
  12. Enkel Augur

    When mages asked me what buffs they should ideally be stacking for burns, many mages were stacking way too much critical chance buffs, which told me they didn't know what their base crit rate was (this goes for every mage I ever talked to). So I ran quite a few parses awhile back to show a few what it was. Would take awhile to find it, but the parses had over 2 million hits from spell casts, and the crit rate was 59.1% iirc. So if you're seeing between 58-60%, you're correct. Druids, Clerics, etc... all have the same crit rate as mages.

    Wizards have a lower crit rate than mages (lowest crit rate among casters), but they have AA's they can use that increase their crit rate and damage mod. If there is a reasoning behind the disparity, it's probably that (if their base was equal in %, then they would have an even larger advantage over other classes. If their base was increased 17%, then they would probably get "reduced" in some manner because they would be doing "too well").

    So, as is for the dps casters (crit chance):

    Wizards are around 42%

    Mages are around 59%

    Necros are around 79%.
  13. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    The disparity between Wizards and every other caster is stupid as well as simple...we had it first.

    By that I mean, every caster got "Spell Casting Fury" as it is an "Archetype" AA when AAs came out in Luclin. Wizards were the only class to get EXTRA Crit chance via the "CLASS" AA "Spell Casting Fury Mastery," which was also during Luclin.

    Later, during Plane of Power, it was decided to give the other casting classes more Crit Chance. Whomever it was that was doing AAs at the time created a new, separate, "Archetype" AA for them, "Fury of Magic." Why they did not give them the "Spell Casting Fury Mastery" AA which already existed, is a mystery for the ages. Hybrids were then later given "Fury of Magic" during Omens of War,

    So, you had 2 separate AA lines that did the exact same thing, except "Spell Casting Fury Mastery," which only Wizards have, was stagnated MULTIPLE times, while "Fury of Magic" always seems to keep getting upgrades which leads us to the current situation.
  14. Enkel Augur

    Yeah, I know the situation, you and I have talked about this before. At the moment Wizard overall dps seems fine to most (and probably the devs since they are nerfing small things like Forces, so they might think it's a little too high), so it might not matter to most as long as you're balanced. You're getting your dps via activated abilities (when it comes to crit chance) more so than mages, druids, and enchanters, but your passive chance is lower (just like necros have, by far, the highest passive crit % in the game). If they choose to balance around activated abilities vs passive, that is their choice. You already know what I think about wizards, and what I think should change (considering you and I have the same belief). Back to work!
  15. Crystilla Augur

    For those of you posting, is anyone's parses from Test (Beimeith's is I know) ... or are yours from Live server?
  16. Kathylynn_Unity Augur

    What I would be interested in seeing is the working critical rates among various classes and players. By that I mean take the last year or significantly long period of time and see what the rate is coming out to in day-to-day play. It will certainly vary some by play style, how much you group, how much you raid, how active you are about keeping abilities on cool-down, if your guild has 6 active rangers, etc. Still it would be somewhat interesting to see.

    I just happen to have all my data from the past couple years nicely compiled. My play time is 80% raiding and 20% soloing or grouping. I would say I am extremely active about keeping things on cool-down at all times and play very similar whether raiding or grouping. Taking just the last year, my critical rate as a wizard is 58.0%, with about 4.7 Mil hits recorded. I would suspect that would be above average data.
  17. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    We are fine now only because Arcane Fury is broken all to hell. As soon as that gets fixed we are going to be hurting, and that is my concern. The new expansion looks to add nothing new to us, and standard spell upgrades are unlikely to fill the void if/when AF is fixed. The new system where some of spell power comes from AAs is likely to negate part of the upgrade in and of itself because I have little faith it will be done in a way that doesn't.
    Evercluck likes this.
  18. Enkel Augur

    That would be interesting. I loaded the last year of gamparse for my wizard Asunai, that only raids, and his crit rate is 87%. If I look at my wizard that is half raid and half group, it's at 61% (not counting decimals). So, I could definitely see there being a huge variance. Another thing from raid to raid, would be, like you said, ADPS, and, to me the biggest factor, fight length. If you're in a guild, I'll use RoI since that is the guild I'm in, that beats events mobs like Prince (Neriak 2 raid) in 350 seconds on a decent clear, then move to a mid tier guild that takes over 20 minutes on that same mob, your crit rate will be much lower on those longer mobs.
  19. Apocalyps Elder

    Kathylyn probably has a much more resonable look at what a wizards crit chance using everything at our disposal depending on if your wizard is boxed in the group setting she probably is casting a lot more spells why her crit chance would be a little lower. It would be nice to see a combine parse from a mage for a yr and an enchanter and a necro.