Low level mob aggression towards high levels:

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Denial_Sinfae, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Thank you whomever changed this!!!!!!!!!

    Used to be running around to PL toons you had to cast on every.single.mob.you.pulled. It was so tedious.

    I don't know when it was changed, but now even level 5 mobs auto aggro a level 100 within assist radius of something.

    Thanks again ^ . ^
  2. doktartp Augur

    Now I have to invis or train in lower level zones, all cool to me.
    was always annoying as a cleric when mobs melee stun you while you move.

    Good to know I can PL better now.