List of Ragefires's abusive players...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Gooz, May 27, 2015.

  1. Gooz New Member

    Anyone know of a way we can create a list of abusive players. If these abusive player's names where posted in someway where the most abusive rise to the top, then at least their transgressions could be made public and we as a community could be more aware and chose to avoid these people.

    Boxing on Ragefire is not abuse. Boxing is lucrative, and can be enjoyed without disrupting other's gameplay. While I do think non-boxing servers would be popular because it hurts immersion, It would be unfair to change Ragefire to that now.

    Abusive language can be /ignored.

    Training, kill / camp stealing are my concern.
  2. Bumamgar Journeyman

  3. Diemond Augur

    Good idea, it may come in handy later when the server population is hurting but until then they will be in groups and guilds that don't care. I'm all for it.
  4. Xanadas Augur

    How useful would some sort of website be that let people up/down vote players? Wouldn't be the most complicated thing in the world to build. Could probably have a prototype over the weekend.

    For example, you point some application at your eqlog and as you zone around, do a /who, or target and con, it retrieves some "reputation" data (upvotes. downvotes) from some central location and provides you with some sort of baseline of like "10 people have reported this guy a kill-stealer".
  5. Diemond Augur

    I keep a list on my notepad and if I am with someone in a group/raid that is on the list, well let's just say they are going to die a few times.
  6. Wandidar Elder

    The abuse list would be abused... would it not?
    Hawklight Yandli and Zilidul like this.
  7. Diemond Augur

    There is the potential for it, one thing that would help is not only list who but show with video.
  8. Flandersian Augur

    First on the list: "Boxer"

    I don't know them, personally, but man oh man do people haaaaaaaate that dude.
    Rhiyannon and Jadefox like this.
  9. Diemond Augur

    Yeah I think I've seen a post or two about that guy.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  10. Heilena Augur

    Once all the boxers figure out who you are, they will just push your name to top of the jerk list after you vote them up. So why start a fight you wont win?
  11. Raytheon Augur

    Google "Pligg"
  12. Diemond Augur

    This is why I keep a personal list of names, never tried a server wide one. But still a good idea if you can get it to work.
  13. Willy Willers Lorekeeper

    Gooz, that your in-game name? Lets keep everything transparent, ok?
  14. Chanur Lorekeeper

    I would like to add all these play how I want you too types to the list.
  15. Nolrog Augur

    Define abuse? Some one trains you or KSes you by accident and they get added to the list. Someone is boxing and doesn't let another join and they get added to the list. Who really makes that decision?
  16. Heilena Augur

    While I defend boxers, I hate grievers or people who try to ruin game play for others.

    And you simply do a /friend xyz name easy to keep a running list of jack bags in game.
  17. Diemond Augur

    They only way it would have a shot of working at all is with video submissions of any wrong doing.
  18. Zilidul New Member

    I'm not sure history has taught us that making lists is the right way to go about human nature.....
  19. Diemond Augur

    I don't know, the list I keep has brought me much enjoyment watching them die a few times.
  20. Nolrog Augur

    Can't they be manipulated though?