Lets get rid of force-feeding!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jumbur, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    There is/was a whole section on EQTC about it.. like how drinking one Fizzlecutter 5000 will prevent "drinking" of a stat food item for something like 6-8 hours. Not sure how long people plan to just stand around AFK, but I can manage to keep up with that for the most part.
  2. OlavSkullcrusher Augur

    I think you still need Misty Acorns (ground spawn/foraged in Misty Thicket) and Green Apples (ground spawn in Elddar Forest/foraged in Elddar Forest and Arcstone according to EqTraders) for ToV food and drink. And you need to have CoV in order to get Limes and Coarse Salt from a vendor, right?
  3. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Sounds right.
    My go-to vendor for junkfood is purveyor in shards landing, he has cheap miracle-grade food and drink. :)
    Svann2 likes this.
  4. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    If you're going to be AFK for that long (we're talking at least 2 hours), just log out. That's how I handle it.
    Kase likes this.
  5. Kase Augur

    I'm never for changing anything that started with the game was created for the most part. This is an issue I don't think needs to be changed, I see no reason to try to make it "easier"

    I place my stat food/drink in my top left bag in the top 2 slots side by side.... food on left-drink on right.
    Below them I place 2 stack iron rations and 1 stack 900 bottles milk.

    Set my timer-in game alarm, when I log in for 50 minutes (varies on AA's etc), alarm sounds (albeit usually in middle of a fight) I mash the the 2 hot keys I have for rations/milk then rinse repeat.

    Having to do all the little things is what separates EQ from any other game on the market.