Learn your toon

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Schye, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Lumiens Augur

    No, the mages pet by its self still out damages you.
  2. Jaybizzer Lorekeeper

    Rogue will win the parse if there aren't any monks in the raid, and you got lucky enough that the war who is tanking didn't beat you with riposte damage.
  3. Schye New Member

  4. Schye New Member

    Yes. DDs are great. Its the stun on a yak that boosts agro. Just read that taunt is being beefed up next patch. Maybe we can disregard this entire topic...maybe. Nice posts btw. This discussion was meant to be consructive. Sorry if I come across a bit harsh...wait no Im not. What's an apostrope? Isn't that the little mark above a word that means im too lazy to spell out two whole words anyway? Isn't that what I wasn't using?
  5. Rauven Augur

    Is the reposte skill high enough for warriors in classic for that? I'm genuinely curious.
  6. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

  7. Venthos Augur

    When someone earlier claimed that rogues were putting stun augs on their weapons I didn't believe them. Boy am I embarassed to see that's true. I mean, you do realize that all Wulfenite melee augments proc "Strike of Opportunity" which is DD + Stun, right? Please say you didn't realize this and will be correcting your augs next time you login. Please.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  8. toasty4800 Elder

    From what I understand the hate modifier on yak is much more than the wulfenite aug's. Besides even with both of them in my weapons I never pull agro.
  9. toasty4800 Elder

    "No, the mages pet by its self still out damages you. "

    No it doesn't. I parse every raid and I can tell you the only thing that out dps's me on a caster resist mob is a chanter pet. Which we all know are OP anyway, so the don't count lol.
  10. Rauven Augur

    Stuns have a weird way of doing threat. Some do it by a percentage of the mobs max hp. I don't know what the stun of wulfenite augs do with the agro amount specifically.

    What I do know from my own testing, is the agro on the augs with the stun (0s) and its damage is less than a Backstab. With provoke up, a warrior can hold threat on a mob despite procs from wulf augs and SBD's. Another mob (same warrior with provoke running) with autoattack off, and threat gets pulled from 2-3 backstabs.

    If warriors think they have it bad now, wait till those rogues hit 55 and start double backstabbing. Or 60 and assassinate (shouldn't be an issue, since the mob should be dead when this happens). And Luclin is going to bring a whole another host of agro issues from the rogue class.

    As others and I have said. Warriors have to gear themselves for the content and the people they tank for. Its always been like that.

    With that said. Rogues should be using Hide as an evasion/detaunt. You don't need a fancy social or macro. Just click hide after every high agro event. That's any high backstab, snare proc, or stun proc, or any proc really. If you do pull agro, turn off auto attack and use hide until the mob turns back on the tank and let him get a few hits in.

    Rogues get chain for this reason too. You're going to pull threat. Period. That's what rogues do, they tick off mobs. Just don't keep it up. And if you do chronically pull agro, and there's other melees.. stand shoulder to shoulder with the tank until you get the agro off. Don't be a jerk to the other melees and force them to move around for you.
    Rhiyannon likes this.