Kunark beat

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Skipper, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Detheb Augur

    Yes, every single raid is like this, even when we only have 50 people in the zone, because zone caps. ;D

    We should start streaming our raids, that would be fun.
  2. ScarletLetter Elder

    well we started off in VP with 30 and ended the night with 37 as more key's got done and trickled in.

    was a good time =p
  3. Sinzz Augur

    tooth fairy went bankrupt!
  4. Soltara Augur

    Cant wait to pet wall Quarm.
    lockjaws likes this.
  5. Silentchaos Augur

    You can see the msg at the end of this video

    The Sleeper being awakened is a systemwide.

    Pretty sure we only killed each one once which made that the first and only time.
  7. Porygon Augur

    well, after the changes to the debuff on test, i would be surprised if you could petwall phinny!
    Fallfyres likes this.
  8. Finley Augur

    If they up POP mob power I think that's fine, but PoP is also LOADED with content and the end zone is completely instanced. No real reason to increase mob power. Let guilds decide how difficult they want to make it on themselves by how many PoTime raids they split into.
  9. Porygon Augur

    The end zone being instanced doesnt help. Youll see a HUGE Cblock on RZ. Youll see a HUGE Cblock on ele gods. The challenge will be to GET INTO TIME.
    Fallfyres and Silv like this.
  10. Asheran Augur

    That sucks. Gives a good reason to delay going from Velious to Luclin though :p
  11. Silentchaos Augur

    God split raiding time for 6 months stab me with a rusty spoon right now.
    Silv likes this.
  12. Detheb Augur

    2011 - Mage Box armies were a thing then too. El oh El
    Silv likes this.
  13. Silentchaos Augur

    Tyree's pretty much an army in himself, yeah.

    Necro armies too. Takhizis with dat clutch chill bones in PoEarth A.