Killer Mez

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Qest T. Silverclaw, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    This was brought up in the AA chat as a Mez that Death Touched whomever broke it. Sounds like a joke, but it got my gears spinning.

    The basic concept is a mez that causes problems to whomever tries to break it, and I think that's not a bad idea.

    What if it were instead a long(er) duration Stun that included a large Damage Shield and Spell Reflect? Say, 10-20 seconds long with a 7,000 DS and reflect all spells, with damage spells reduced so Wizards don't nearly one-shot themselves?

    It would be nice if "Magic" spells could bypass the reflect so the mob could be debuffed, but obviously "magic" nukes would have to be reflected and that's more important than debuffing.
  2. Benzarden Augur

    So the tank that breaks it would get a long(er) duration stun? Sometimes you want a mez broken...
    Lonye likes this.
  3. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    No, the tank would get 7k damage per hit. I meant that the mob would be stunned rather than mezzed.
  4. Silv Augur

    The spell was requested by a Druid (Illa) and I'm guessing it was mostly a joke despite the truth behind the idea. I'm not sure if the response by Eli was serious or him joking back but it definitely would be funny to do a few times. IMO It'd be better if it was a buff/debuff castable on someone in group/raid so that if they broke mez (and aren't the tank or assist) they get the DT. I know a rogue or zerker who this would be perfect for.

    I'd only want this if it was an AA though because I think we have enough mez's to pick from already.
  5. Ueuill Elder

    How would you tailor a mezz so that it damaged anyone who broke the mezz except the tank?

    How does a mezz know when the tank is breaking it?
  6. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    That was Elidroth's point in the AA chat. There's no way for them to differentiate.

    Because my version is a stun, and not a mez, it doesn't get broken, and because the duration isn't very long, it can be waited out without too much disruption.
  7. Ueuill Elder

    You know, it might be possible to a way. What if the Mezz DTed anyone who hadn't taunted or built up aggro on the mezzed mob? If you break a mezz, you better have aggro or you're DTed.

    People reading this thread are going to think, "Geeze! Dem Enchanters sure get irate about broken mezzes!"

    Yeah, as a matter of fact, we do!
  8. Narye Augur

    I suggested we name it "Payback"
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  9. silku Augur

    I'd like to see a huge aura explosion that goes around the mob like flashing red lights, warning that the DT mez was incoming. Giving them like a full tick (6) seconds before the new mez takes effect.

  10. Koneko Augur

    it will never happen to easy to be abused to cause problems for players don't like them and want to kill them use the mez on the mob and get them killed
    Silv and Qest T. Silverclaw like this.
  11. RPoo Augur

    I don't wanna break it.. you break it.
    No you break it.
    Okay let's let it wake up on it's own?
    Manapause, Lonye and Silv like this.
  12. Silv Augur

    I was actually going to bring this point up - that it'd be the biggest griefing tool aside from training in the game. Since you can mez regardless of group or raid, all you'd have to do is cast mez on a mob in someone else's camp and *BOOM*.

    I sincerely wish there was some penalty or intelligent repercussion for inappropriately breaking mez BUT the best we're going to get is what we have, the message that is already present about who broke mez (which was added - this was not original if you didn't know). So, basically, public shaming is the tool of choice available to us.
  13. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I agree with Silv, except that we're already plenty good at griefing, so I don't see this having a big impact in that area.
  14. Shadva Del`Shai Augur

    I actually made a gina trigger that announces every time someone breaks a mez and who it was.... More public shame and gives the chanter a better idea of who to chew out for stupidly breaking mez.

    If you want it, my sig tells you who and where I am. You can thank Narye :)
    Jordis likes this.
  15. fransisco Augur

    On a serious side to breaking mez, while a dt is to obvious of a greafing tool, what about a agro bonus for who breaks mez. Say +2000 agro.
    That way, if the enchanter had done stuff to really agro the mob, it still goes to the enchanter, but if no one has much agro and mez breaks, to bad dps.
  16. Koneko Augur

    how about instead of something that punishes people who break mez because sometimes it happens by mistake you have something like a mez that when broken adds a buff that makes it easyer to mez for a bit so it can be re locked down easyer
  17. Narknon Augur

    Why would you want any of this stuff firing off on raids?
  18. Random_Enchanter Augur

    because the potental for abuse in this is acualy greater than with the DT verson.

    The problem is not landing mez, its keeping a mob that is exposed to be mezzed under mez despite players

    I belive the starting point was that it would be an AA mez, not an addition to any mez. That being said, it would be used for emphasis / greifing on raids. If a mob is to be mezzed and KEPT mezzed for a period of time (IE Rot) this could be used as a 'teaching' tool. the fact that this was brought up by a druid (illa) that even as a joke raids and groups experiance the same problem, Mobs that are ment to be mezzed being broken and resulting in group/raid wipe. and because its mez, there is no carrot and stick method that exists in game to my knowledge.
  19. fransisco Augur

    How is breaking mez and having the enchanter get attacked not a greifing tool?

    Besides, with the high chances of a memblur on mez anyways, agro to whoever breaks mez doesn't really make it more of a greifing tool, because the enchanter won't be getting hit anyways.

    As well, how can you have a teaching tool for mez if the players who don't care about breaking mez are not receiving consequences for their actions? Players on raids willy nilly breaking mezzes need to start getting hit by the mobs. Otherwise they are basically greifing enchanters.
  20. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Because the whole idea was/is to punish people for breaking mez's.
    Accidents happen - too bad. (Just like run-on sentences with no caps happen!)
    Lily likes this.