Just want to raid old Everquest 1998 Towns

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by doclkk, May 26, 2016.

  1. doclkk New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I played Everquest back in 1998 and now the game has seemed to have evolved a lot. But because I have nostalgia and died to trainers many times accidentally 18 years ago, I would like to take my revenge.

    What I want to do is I want to take a level 105 character throughout surefall glade and kill hagar sureshot, and neriak and all of the trainers. In addition, I want to go to Rivervale and kill the mayor. I want to kill Priest of Discord and basically kill the NPCs that aren't meant to be killed.

    That is main purpose of me wanting to play.

    What is the fastest way for me to accomplish this task and what would you recommend? If I get a 105 Enchanter, could I charm Hagar Sureshot to take out the balance of the NPCs in Surefall glade?

    Could I also solo nagafen, vox, and all the old world stuff?

    Please suggest a class / hero that would be best for doing this?

  2. CaptainSkeet Augur

    You will find some of the old towns have been "re-vamped" and are not the way you remember, such as Freeport.

    Virtually any level 105 will be able to cause havoc. In fact, you probably won't even need a level 105. I am sure a level 85 Heroic character will be able to do a lot of damage. Some NPCs are not attackable though, and I think guildmasters are some of those.

    Some of the dragons you mention banish anyone above level 52... so can't do those with higher level characters.

    Aside from banishing dragons, you can pretty much romp through all the old world stuff and kill them with a single keystroke at level 105. Heroic characters will be able to do that at 85 for a majority of the original zones, even through PoP and GoD. Probably even OOW, but I have not attempted that.

    Keep in mind there might be "Fabled" mobs up depending when you attempt this, which will vary in difficulty based on their expansion. Some will be easy, some will stomp you.
  3. Iila Augur

    SK, monk, ranger, beastlord, and paladin are the best choices for plowing through old content. A lot of bosses have stupidly high resists or spell immunity, so being able to melee is important. Self healing and good survivability are also needed if you're engaging in a 20 minute fight against a boss and every trash mob you encountered on the way to it. A heroic SK would be my choice, due to their tools for getting around and through hostile zones.

    Almost every GM used in newbie quests, plus every vendor is now immune to being attacked. However, most of the town leaders and citizens are still fair game.

    Freeport deserves a special mention. Not just because of the revamp mentioned above. But because of the Militia Enforcers that infest the city. They hit for an absurd amount that WILL kill you in one round. You can move around the city just fine while invis, but trying to roam the city while slaughtering the inhabitants will result in you being effortlessly dispatched by an Enforcer.
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    You can no longer fight the trainers. They are all no attack no aggro. I cannot think of any Guild masters that are killable anymore.