Instance Raids..Please

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Moonii, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Syrup Augur

    So go play there if you love it so much, stop trying to make EQ in to WoW
    There's a reason people play EQ over those two games.
  2. King Dedede Elder

    I don't get the argument about making end game loot special / rare. DBG should worry about catering to the most people possible. The more happy people playing the better revenue they get.

    Krono's have already thrown the EQ economy out of whack, so that is a lost cause already.

    It's a game; it's supposed to be fun. The needless bickering from both sides is taking away from what was once a great game.
    Aneuren likes this.
  3. Lee81 Augur

    People came to experience the content. All 3 games have content that people like to explore. Even with constraints, people still stick around. WoW lost quite a number of players very recently. However, they're still at a healthy 6 million or so subscribers. When the new expansion releases, they'll recover a great number of players. Basically, I'm saying to compare games that are still healthy. EQ's live servers are ....
  4. Vaclav Augur

    My guild on Live never had that issue. The players we lost were to marriage/kids, death, moving internationally for work or personality conflicts within the guild.

    "I'm done because I'm bored" was literally never stated in a single quit. Unless the 20% or so that left silently all magically were in that lump, since not everyone reports.
  5. Dojii Augur

    That's exactly right. At this point one guild killing Trakanon 30 times in 35 days and intentionally locking the entire server out of VP. The server has many lower tier guilds who can kill the content there just isn't enough to go around.

    Unlocking the classic time line with Mage Box Army in classic, and the first day of Kunark--- this is also disgraceful IMO. At this point it has nothing to do with "reliving the classic experience". It's about who can sit on top of the content first and bully the rest of the player base around.

    A playerbase is a valuable thing. It needs to be nurtured. Cherished while it's alive. Could take years to resurrect another following like Ragefire had initially. Or it might never happen again. I don't see Daybreak doing nothing at this point. But The EverQuest team has a ton on their plate though with the new Expac.
    lockjaws likes this.
  6. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I don't disagree with your central premises mind you, I just think there are too many differences when you start comparing other games to EQ and how things that work in those games would impact us here. I do agree with your analogy to live, as well as the later post from Vaclav. But I think the strongest evidence for why instancing would be beneficial to our servers is by looking at the harm that's caused by the current situation, that's all.

    People shouldn't be forced to play on a no-box server to have classic instancing.
  7. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    The need to make TLP servers pay for each expansion, that will fix the population problem and the whole "dominate the server" type of player these servers attract.
    I highly doubt they are willing to spend money to play.
  8. Syrup Augur

    You're lying to yourself if you don't think players sitting at the top end for too long lose interest.
  9. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    My guild on Xegony is getting 11 chests / week from the 7 raids by using alts, we do all 11 events in about 4.5 hours spread over 2 nights. We use 2 nites but can do it all in one when needed. This is simply not enough content.

    We are not hurting for players at all.

    The whole problem on TLP is there are a LOT of folks like me that have nothing to do on live, we LIKE instanced raiding, we LIKE competition (not mobilizing, but REAL competition).
    We PAY for each expansion, and our accounts. There is something wrong on LTP, they really need to invest money into the game so they have an interest in it's success.

    P.S. My subscription was cancelled months ago, (when Holly insulted the dedicated playerbase) I am waiting for instancing on TLP to renew. I have about 120 days left. If the expansion is anything like TDS, I don't see the game lasting too much longer.
    lockjaws and Lee81 like this.
  10. Lee81 Augur

    I'm not saying that they're alike. I'm saying to view them from a business perspective. We're trying to compare products when they were popular and healthy.
  11. Vaclav Augur

    Perhaps for people that singlle game, single server EQ1.

    We do all sorts of games with each other. EQ1 is the only MMO besides a few that do EQ2 nonraid.

    We don't need 60 hrs a week of new content every week from EQ1 to entertain us. Its not their fault for those that want to binge (and purge) through content rather than pace it with variety.

    PS most healthy guilds that last the test of time do the same.
  12. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I'm certain you could "contest" said target by bringing some fd classes down into his lair and aggro/training him around while your force mobilizes. If he happens to run into another nearby raid force? Meh! No "disgraceful" behavior there.....
  13. Dojii Augur

    Not trying to use any dirty tactics to win. Especially for broken / bandaid patched psuedo end-game. I am more concerned about a sustainable end game with a vibrant community. I love my guild and my team, but I also like there being options for grouping, exping, trading....

    All that disappears when the world gets bigger, and the player base gets smaller. No one will look back and remember the guys who exploited [3rd party programs ISboxx mage army] downed classic content in it's least challenging period ever....

    People are going to remember the friends they made, and fun they had. I certainly am not the most patient person but... I would like to hope I could muster up some more patience to see Ragefire and Daybreak's TLP genre become really really fun.
  14. Pikallo Augur

    I get that it is a good business model to cater to the most people possible. But is it always just about the money? In most cases, sadly yes. EQ is like a restaurant serving a particular type of cuisine. They just opened a new restaurant that serves a type of cuisine that is more intended for a particular niche of customer. Sure, the majority people might not like spicy Thai food and would rather have burgers or pizza. But this particular restaurant serves Thai food. You knew they served Thai food when you went in, but now that you are here, you want them to get rid of the spicy Thai chicken and just serve you a burger and a slice of pizza. Well there are people who came here for the spicy Thai chicken and just because there is a mob outside that wants a McDonalds or Pizza Hut instead, doesn't mean the Thai restaurant has to change their menu.

    Its not a perfect analogy, but hopefully the point was made. Would a Pizza hut or McDonalds be more profitable? Probably so. But part of me hopes DBG will stick by their guns on this because while it might not even be a majority, but there are still people that like spicy Thai chicken and there is no where else to get it in today's MMO landscape.
  15. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    They actually did that already for a VS and a Trak.
  16. Vaclav Augur

    The point was already made - that's why they put official support being P99 being OK.

    They already discarded that ideal years ago. You're in a place that used to be a Thai restaraunt, changed hands and has been a pizza joint for years that still makes a handful of Thai dishes just to keep those last few regulars that still exist happy, likely at a loss.

    Literally OVER A DECADE OF EXPANSIONS have come out since they changed that ideal. They already moved on, you're still going through stages of grief coming to acknowledge the loss.
  17. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    Your guild tried and failed to kill Gorenaire something like 12 times over 3 different days.
  18. Pikallo Augur

    Except they marketed this as a Thai restaurant, not as the garbage pizza joint the live servers have become. So they clearly were trying to make it a Thai restaurant primarily, even though it has pizza and burgers on the menu. Not the other way around as you claim. But since people are used to the new pizza joints, that is what they want and expect and demand.

    If it was as you described, there would be instancing already. But there is not.
  19. Vaclav Augur

    Technically they marketed it as a Pizza joint doing Thai for its first two years. The transition is already slated.
  20. Jaxarale01 Augur

    Damn but I am hungry all of the sudden!

    What is this about again? They are doing a instanced server because they think it will make them money and lots of it... whats the problem.