In Game Sounds

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Dalavar, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Dalavar New Member

    I finally got myself an Ornate Flying Carpet for my character and if I switch to Illusion: Skeleton there is a constant and very annoying whoosh thump sound. I found all the sound files for the Magic Carpet and have set them all to silent wave files, but this does not solve the issue. The flapping and movement sounds disappear when I change these but not the whoosh thump, which I believe is the same sound the game makes when one sits. Since when in Skeleton form you are crouched on the carpet this is why I believe this is the sound being looped. I have searched all the sound files in the EQ directory and even the S3d files and can not find this darn sound clip to remove it. Can someone point me to this sound file or can the developers add an option in game to mute mount sounds?