Improving Marketplace = More Profit = Win/Win

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gorehammer, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Gorehammer Lorekeeper

    I would like to take this time to suggest a few changes to the EQ Marketplace items and the functionality of the Marketplace itself. Making improvements here should lead to more players spending Daybreak Cash and, ultimately, purchasing more of it. It's a Win/Win for both parties. Let's begin:

    1) Reusable Primary/Secondary Ornaments: I think most Marketplace weapon ornaments, if not all, should be *Type 20* (reusable) and NOT containers (one-and-done). Considering the cost per ornament and the stale selection, I think this is reasonable. (Exceptions for promotional/seasonal items could be understandable.) --> Many players upgrade their held items frequently enough to make re-purchasing the same ornament utterly nonsensical and needlessly expensive. Instead, we (players and devs) should aim to continually churn out quality ornaments if we want to move more DB cash.

    2) Tiny Item Graphics: Quite frankly, an alarming number of weapon and shield ornaments seem far too small for any race. Many 1H blunt "hammers" look like plastic toddler toys, many 2-hand weapons are the size of 1-handers, some 1HS look like daggers, and many shields seem to be the "caster" size and look like fancy dinner plates glued to your elbow. (Some LoN ornaments have size issues, as well, so I think this is a matter of item finalization/review, and not the player-designers themselves.) -- If many of these small ornaments were scaled upwards, I'm confident it would lead to more sales. As it stands, many of them are too hard to even see properly in the first place. "Out of sight, out of mind."

    3) Weapon Ambiguity: Adding more flexibility to the weapons' type limitations (ex: "any 2H" vs. "2HB" specifically) could do wonders for increasing Marketplace sales, as players will now have many more options for ornamenting their preferred weapons. Some MP weapons already do this, like "Dreambringer Ornament" by Paul Samples (but sadly, it is the size of a 1HS, hurting its appeal).

    4) More Sorting Options: Currently we can only sort by cost and alphabetical order. Due to the sheer volume of ornaments (which is a good thing), players could more easily search for their desired interests if more sort options were added, things like: By Compatible Weapon Type (2HS, 1HB, Shield, Bow, etc), and "Date Added" to make it easier to find more recent additions (it seems newer items can be mixed in with the old ones). -- An additional column or two could be added to the items listbox of the UI. There's about 40 pixels of extra horizontal space in the "Categories:" box, and about 20-30 extra to the right of the Price column in the item listbox. Another 30-40 pixels could also be created by other adjustments.

    Other minor things: The inspect button for Morrel Thule Lance Ornamentation doesn't work (though sadly, despite the cool graphic, it's a container, so I haven't bought it...) -- The MP could use some more Bow Ornaments IMO, if devs or players wanted to address that.

    ~ Devs: I hope you found this post useful and will consider how these tweaks have the potential to make more profit for Daybreak while also benefiting us. Players: Feel free to add your ideas to help further improve the Marketplace. Thanks for reading.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. savrin Augur

    The only way they could make me spend daybreak cash if they put very useful things there. Currently it's all fluff. Give me something really useful like healing potions with a 10 second refresh on them or something worth using and I would spend SC.
  3. Faana Augur

    Agree we need 'sortable.'
    Re. weapon size, most of them are too frigging big! An axe or a 2HS shouldn't be longer than the character is tall.

    Give me a sleek blade like Ache any day.
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Properly proportioned weapon and shield sizes for the win!
    Faana and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  5. Angahran Augur

    How about making them resizable like house items ?
    Also, having shields not remove body parts when moving or sitting or riding a mount would be nice
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.