If I crash I have to wait 2 hours again?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Maximz, May 25, 2015.

  1. Maximz Journeyman

  2. Chips Elder

    Yeah I know.. Same ordeal fro me. :( Advloot 'leave on corpse' caused the crash..
  3. Po8tick Elder

    bruh, you just played the game, everque - only 2hr, so scrub, so wowe, try harder, 3hr is my friend best, get on his level! :D
  4. Nums New Member

    You don't have to wait. You could go work out, or go hangout at the bar with your spouse/self, or troll people on the forums (like im doing now). FYI I did options 1 and 2 today already, so Im allowed to do 3.
    Steampunk likes this.
  5. Vasil Journeyman

    Despite the billions they made with it, the AOL business model from the 90's is not something you want to duplicate
  6. Maximz Journeyman

    When i queued today I knew it would be a while so i went out and did my thing for 2 1/2 hours and was at the login screen when i got back. I logged in and played for about 20mins and crashed (I have a great system and hardly ever crash on any game, I believe the crash was a loot system bug not on my side).

    Anyways, with that said...I am having fun (or trying to), and I do appreciate the nostalgia....however I feel this is something that should be addressed, there must be a way to hold onto a spot for like 2-5mins If someone crashed and didn't just quit. Will give it a week, after that I wouldn't mind contributing funds to a p 99 type idea or exploring other options.
  7. sirgijoe Journeyman

    we shouldn't have to plan our life around a que time,, even more so when we are paying for a premium service.
  8. Elkay Augur

    Maybe they want to try to sell a dead product to Verizon?
  9. justwanttoplay New Member

    I was just waiting 3 hours to get into the game... once I picked my character it said server connection loss and I went back to the start of the que... I can't wait 6 hours + to play a game. I haven't even gotten to play yet and I've paid since the server opened on the 20th. It's a shame I'm going to have to unsub. I don't know what else to do because I'm paying for something that I don't have access too. I just wish I could play :(
  10. Unique_Moop Augur

    the best part is the first time it happens there is so much hope.

    would you like to boot your active character and login?:D:D:):)
    you're gd right i would
    sorry brah, servers maxed out. but heres a blank ticket. write something big cause it'll be a while.
    Rimamok and MacHammer like this.
  11. Ozryc New Member

    They need like a 2min timer of sorts on logouts where you keep your place. Crashing to this queue after already waiting once is like getting slapped on the face.
    Rimamok likes this.
  12. Maximz Journeyman

    exactly, even 2 mins is fair...i just crashed to desktop after some auto loot bug and was able to log in within 30 secs...when i tried again it said "you have an active character, would you like to remove it?" so i choose yes and then I was just added to the queue again, why not just log me back in?
  13. Rils New Member

    Happened to me when I took TL to OOT from Freeport, in Q for over and hour and half.
    Just happened again after going to OOT for the second time, but this time crashed using Origin to get back to Freeport. Oh look, the queue again. Second server.....