Hypervisor: Windows Hyper-V or Open Source?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Amaquin_Tunare, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. Amaquin_Tunare New Member

    I am upgrading my PC for work related purposes and a hypervisor has come up as something I need for convenience. But I found that running EQ in a VM is bannable now (shows how long I haven't needed to read it, I ran in a VM on Mac 10 years ago).

    So I need a GM's input here. Are hypervisors a flat ban as well? If I run Windows 10 Pro, with the HV turned on, so I can switch to my dev environment quickly when not playing, and switch back for a quick log in and group check, is that banable? If 10 Pro, what about Open Source like KVM or Xen?

    If the ban is action based (do this with VM or HV and get banned) then I know I'm safe. I'm just looking at how I can do the things I need a HV for without keeping a separate Windows installation just for playing EQ.

    And, yes, I'm also aware that NVidia doesn't like hypervisor either. That I can deal with.
  2. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I've never heard of NVidia or any modern company not liking Virtual Machines or the security and stability that they bring. Only EQ/DBG rejects modern security, presumably because they want access to all your stuff.
  3. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It's playing EQ in a within VM that's bannable. Not just having a VM environment on your machine.