How Toxic will the Epic Scene be w/ No Instances?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Shivuncle, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. taliefer Augur

    Kunark makes the problem worse, not better. It's laughable if that's their solution to a toxic raid scene
    Gskiel and Mezrah like this.
  2. Kolani Augur

    At level 20 too, like all these people about not being able to camp GEBs on level 17 druids.
  3. Itzmatt86 Elder

    Some epics will be tougher than others. I dont see too much tension on bard except for phinny. If the undead bard spawns in sebilis even less trouble.
  4. Zhama Elder

    Hard epic regardless of what kind of guild youre in-

    Mage epic
    Cleric epic
    wizard epic
    chanter epic

    Hard epics without a raidguild

    rest are easy epics with minimal cockblocks.
  5. Thomasmgp Elder

    I dont remember things being as bad as these doom and gloomers make them out to be. Only time I ever had a problem arise during Kunark was with Ragefire. As you all know they fixed this. If half a dozen guilds or more guilds could coexist back then and get epics done why do you think they cant now? When certain spawns posed problems they were changed to be more accomidating.
  6. Weverley Augur

    I'm sure venril sathir gonna be perma locked so no epic for druid,ranger and wizard unless you are in the top guilds.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  7. Thomasmgp Elder

    Why would u even need your epic if u arent in a raid guild?
  8. Slythix New Member

    Why do you need anything at all? Go naked my friends, BE FREEEEEE.
    Necromonious likes this.
  9. Porygon Augur

    Sol B Ragefire on a 24 hour re spawn makes me cry.
    Hendar2 likes this.
  10. nagash101 Augur

    yes it will be epic and toxic, they need to instance everything. they have the code, its done they just have to turn it on for every zone. instead we will be left with a toxic over crowded mess. Kunrak will not solve the raiding issues. they need to instance everything. they made it to easy to level and EVERYONE will be 50 and then 60 if they release Kunrak early way to fast. 3000+ level 60 in kunark will be worse way worse then the 500+ 50 we have in classic right now. RELEASING KUNRAK EARLY WILL NOT FIX THE RAID PROBLEMS.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  11. Gandwer New Member

    I'm maining a Ranger. I'd never get my epic anyway, so it's no hair off my back. I feel bad for clerics though, they might as well not exist unless they have their epic.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  12. Banuvan Augur

    You best bring two raids with atleast more SK's than TL if you want a chance.
  13. Indigo Augur

    See DBG what you did by start instancing? Now they want EVERYTHING instanced.

  14. Dark_Intentions Augur

    It is a different situation now. Some people are here for a nostalgia run, not a full return to "classic". They want their loot, and be on their way. That, plus the fact that the servers hold far many more people now than in the past. I hope that the raid guilds can set up a rotation, and I think Daybreak hopes it too. But I doubt we will see it happening, not when it has already been established to burn the boss faster than the other guys to win. If Daybreak doesn't enforce some sort of KS rules on bosses, then the community of today will simply "play to crush" each other.
  15. Banuvan Augur

    Do you have double digit SKs in your guild and more than 72 people to throw at a raid target? No? Then you don't ever get to kill a raid target. Sorry bro. You dont want it enough unless you are willing to do these things as TL says you need to put effort and skill and strategy into your zerg with as many people as possible.
  16. Azzudien Augur

    I still remember the pain of my first epic back when Kunark originally released. It was a pain, long camps, gathering people to kill mobs, foraging for hours on end (druid). Fighting over things with others wanting same corrupted mobs.

    After it was all said and done and when I finally got it? Best moment in EQ

    Dont change a thing, I hope it is battle royal for epics, this is not WOW, this is Everquest and Everquest was never designed for EVERYONE to get BIS day 1 of an expansion.
    Oakenn Tigerspirit likes this.
  17. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    Pretty much. Apparently everyone thinks it was sunshine and rainbows back in the day. I remember not getting my epic until PoP and also remember a severe lack of on my part. I was happy to get it.

    Best. Quote. Here. If TL is still locking down content when GoD hits just to be dicks. Sure do whatever.

    Or as some have suggested. Instance raid content on a delay. When Velious hits Instance Classic. When Luclin hits instance Kunark. (none of this "instance classic soon as Kunark hits!!! Velious raid loot is superior to a lot of PoP group loot)
  18. CaptainRich Journeyman

    Will the new Harbingers be available?
  19. Tamagini New Member