How does the dev team see SKs?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Xanathol, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Phrovo1 Augur

    Against an undead mob.
  2. Xanathol Augur

    Was wondering...
  3. Ravengloome Augur

    Bone crusher is live
  4. Zarakii Augur

    knights and dps? must have missed something o_O
  5. Linden Augur

    Using Hastaduria 2hander 427/37 ratio:

    /GU Captain Kanteer in 223s, 215167k @964876 / #7 Linden 9670k@(74961 in 129s) [4.49%]

    Linden -vs- Captain Kanteer: -- DMG: 9669951 -- DPS: 74961 -- Scaled: 43363 -- Slash: 4449611 -- Slay: 3748447 -- DirDmg: 1457205 -- Bash: 14688 -- % dmg as normal: 50.6% -- % dmg as critical: 35.7% -- Non-crit rate: 62.7% -- crit rate: 27.7% -- crippling rate: 9.6% -- Attempts: 429 -- Hits: 343 -- Missed: 86 -- Accuracy: 80% -- Avg Hit: 28192 -- Max hit: 358379 -- DMG to PC: 0

    Ok. So I got lucky on a raid, and actually scored a killing blow right before Captain, and proced a Blessing. So dps was primed and at max. Probably would have been higher had the captain been stationary. So lost some dps on mob movement, or i would have done over 100k. Very nice considering the length of engagement: 129

    Solo in chapterhouse:

    /GU A rotting paladin of Marr in 8s, 1653k @206612 / #1 Linden 1653k@(206612 in 8s) [100%]

    Linden -vs- A rotting paladin of Marr: -- DMG: 1652900 -- DPS: 206612 -- Scaled: 206612 -- Slay: 935613 -- Slash: 537697 -- DirDmg: 170495 -- Environmental: 4788 -- Bash: 4307 -- % dmg as normal: 62.5% -- % dmg as critical: 25.2% -- Non-crit rate: 69.7% -- crit rate: 24.2% -- crippling rate: 6.1% -- Attempts: 40 -- Hits: 33 -- Missed: 7 -- Accuracy: 82.5% -- Avg Hit: 50087 -- Max hit: 455850 -- DMG to PC: 56514

    A more realistic and common dps parse for Captain looks like this:
    /GU Captain Kanteer in 234s, 223711k @956031 / #14 Linden 7163k@(38102 in 188s) [3.2%]

    now the thing you need to realize, is that the first two parses was with a blessing proc which has never happened to me on a raid before, because paladins just don't get the killing blow. Without the blessing proc That dps would have been cut in half. And rarely do I dps anyway. I assume most Paladins, like myself, are more focused on the group with healing, Splashing, and where I can use my utility at any given time. I am not running up on a mob and trying to pump out dps, I am worth more to a raid then that. What little dps we do get, helps somewhat when moloing or soloing otherwise, dps is a waste of Paladin utility. I Don't really know why SK's are complaining, they have AE aggro better then we do, life taps, kiting, pulling, and now even a hammer. Still unhappy? Stop crying and re-roll a Paladin. Problem solved.
  6. sojero One hit wonder

    The reason SK are upset is they are in the worst position they have been in, in many, many years. Pal/war now dps as well or better than SK does. War out tanks SK in every situation. Pal out heals SK in every situation except one. AE hate is a deathwish on raids, it has its niche place, but you can only do it when deflection is up and pray that none get behind you, or when there are such weak trash that it wont matter. Other than that, its for kiting, and really, noone likes kiting, and war and pally can kite just as well if they want to, but their utility is better served the raid doing other jobs. SK has no other job to provide the raid (except now with the da hammer) and thus is thrown into that situation.

    In the group game a pally can pull just as fast as sk, just not as well in some situations, In group game the biggest issue for pally is the AE agro, and SK'st want that to be improved for Pallies, so that everyone can enjoy the group game to the full potential.

    Please don't come here trying to start age old fights that no one will win. Everyone is happy that pally has gotten lovins over the last couple years to put them in a very good spot. Everyone is happy that war has gotten some lovins too. Please quit trying to hold SK down because you are to ignorant to see that we need help. Telling someone to reroll a char that they have played from 1 min to 16 years is not an answer to anything.

    Also, stop necro'ing old threads, its not polite.
    Xeladom, Zarzac and Xanathol like this.
  7. Triconix Augur

    LOL as I saw this title I was like "Oh god no, not another one of these." Then I realized it was just the old, original one being revived and felt a little better.

    I think most of the community is in agreement that SKs need help somewhere and the DA hammer doesn't solve the problem. Case closed, new thread!
    Sheex, Xeladom, Dre. and 2 others like this.
  8. Zarzac Augur

    Reht, Xeladom, Dre. and 4 others like this.
  9. p2aa Augur

    I participated in this thread but stopped reading it at all when the favourite sport of some knights there was to say that knights were sucking and wars were gods, and started to provide some wrong information on warrior and their solution was to ask equal mitigation to warrior.
    When i read what is following, things didn't change
    No, wars and pallies don't do more dps than SK.
    Yes, it's intended that Warriors out tank SK in every situation. You are a hybrid class, and we are the parent class. Our mitigation shall be higher than yours in every area.
  10. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    To the Grobb based Palamancer:

    1) thread necro is bad, mkay
    2) thanks for fundamentally failing to understand the (pretty widely accepted, lack of a sk raid role) issue
    3) thanks again for the ultra constructive "lul reroll another class lul" reply
    4) nice 8 second parse. So much wisdom can be gleaned from it.
    5) thanks for helping p2aa achieve the forum record for most improper uses of the word "shall".
    6) seriously, necroing threads is stupid and against the forum rules, so yeah...
    Xanathol likes this.
  11. p2aa Augur

    Ah, first attack since a while which has nothing to do on the subject.
    You could have post nothing that it would have had the same result, aka something very useless
  12. sojero One hit wonder

    Let me help you with that, here are 3 war parses posted on these forums after the change, and my parse for the same content. I linked my spells used as well to show that I used burn stuff, where they said in theirs that they did not. I also said they did as well or better, not always more. Depending on the situation they will do more, sometimes SK will, but we are all very close and sustained War is probably the best currently.

    Have a great day!

    /GU Combined: A vegerog in 1377s, 124840k @90661sdps #2 Sojero + pets 48628k@35314sdps (35417dps in 1373s) <-- 2 dh missions 2h tank with Lance of the bloodfiend

    Sojero Sojero -vs- Combined: A vegerog: -- DMG: 48575260 -- DPS: 35379 -- Scaled: 35276 -- Pierce: 29308776 -- DirDmg: 15572582 -- DoT: 1733100 -- Slash: 1465176 -- Bash: 495626 -- % dmg as normal: 41.5% -- % dmg as critical: 58.5% -- Non-crit rate: 71.4% -- crit rate: 28.6% -- Attempts: 5151 -- Hits: 4330 -- Missed: 821 -- Accuracy: 84.1% -- Avg Hit: 11218 -- Max hit: 337225 -- DMG to PC: 8802839

    DPS by type
    piecing - 21346.5
    DD - 11342
    dot - 1262.3
    slash - 1067.1
    bash - 361

    Combined: A vegerog on 8/24/2015

    Sojero - 948

    Baleful Rapacity - 2
    Baleful Theft - 31
    Banestrike - 11
    Black Steel - 8
    Blood of Bonemaw - 16
    Bond of Bonemaw Rk. II - 37
    Brell's Sacred Stone Balm - 79
    Chattering Bones - 2
    Circle of Power III - 1
    Deceitful Blight - 12
    Deceitful Deflection Rk. II - 97
    Dire Declaration - 50
    Dire Strangulation - 44
    Explosion of Hatred - 16
    Explosion of Spite - 16
    Fingers of Flame - 20
    First Spire of the Reavers III - 2
    Gift of the Quick Spear - 2
    Glyph of the Cataclysm - 1
    Harm Touch - 2
    Impose for Power - 2
    Leeching Embrace - 1
    Lich Sting - 5
    Mental Dread Strike II - 55
    Mindless Hatred - 1
    Necromantic Curse - 8
    Plague of Holmein - 20
    Presence of Fear - 1
    Ragged Bite of Agony - 24
    Received Auspice of the Hunter - 2
    Received Shaman Epic - 7
    Reinforced Malaise - 1
    Ronak's Spite III - 13
    Shroud of the Doomscale Strike II - 55
    Snow Leopard Maw III - 70
    Soul Carapace/Shield/Guard - 3
    Spear of Vizat - 73
    Terror of Narus Rk. II - 19
    Touch of Lutzen - 44
    Touch of the Cursed - 58
    T'Vyl's Resolve - 1
    Unholy aura disc - 1
    Veil of Darkness - 1
    Vicious Bite of Chaos - 23
    Visage of Death - 2

    Produced by GamParse v1.0.5.0

    Xanathol and Xeladom like this.
  13. p2aa Augur

    Yes, I have read those.

    And I laugh cause you make me think of BB with his pally alt asking to nerf knights, but this time it's a knight with a war alt.

    Ah comparing some 1000 + sec parse of a knight versus some 600 sec range warrior parse is accurate too.

    The most fun was when you linked a parse where a warrior was doing more dps than a zerker.
  14. Repthor Augur

  15. Linden Augur

  16. Linden Augur


    Sorry it was only 8 seconds. The mob ran out of hit points.
  17. Linden Augur

  18. p2aa Augur

    If we except the fact that we compare apples to oranges in the parses listed (not the same duration of parse), and the fact that the 98 k parse provided was with a warrior burning his dps stuff with ADPS support, and therefore it's not "without burn" like Sojero announces it, we notice that the dps of knights and warriors is the same, 35-40 k range, so warriors don't do more dps, sustained or burst, than knights.
  19. Barbwarrior Augur

    Sk should re roll warrior?
  20. RangerGuy Augur

    yes unless they enjoy overpowering trivial stuff.