How are improved mercs?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ghubuk, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. Ghazghul Journeyman

    Amen, far better than the tank merc ever has been.
  2. svann Augur

    As far as dps mercs go (prepatch) Ive always felt a healer merc is a better choice even if you dont need more heals. Dps mercs are that worthless.
    Kaenneth, Koryu and Metanis like this.
  3. Metanis Bad Company

    I agree with this 100%. If a healer merc saves you from 1 group wipe a week your net DPS will be better than if you'd had a DPS merc in the group for that week. And we know how easy it is for a PC healer to get distracted for 28 seconds and boom the tank is dead!
  4. Wulfhere Augur

    110 tank merc gains about 60k hp
    110 caster merc gains about 17k hp
    110 melee merc gains about 17k hp
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Quill Augur

    Depends on the situation. When I two-box the lower levels, the rogue merc is quite handy. The Warrior main can still destroy it for damage, but healing isn't an issue, so its just added damage. In areas with lots of random adds(HoT zones can be funky that way), I usually popped a second healer and just let the Warrior eat them up.
  6. Ayragon New Member

    Anybody parse the DPS mercs? Appears that the rogue DPS was boosted to around 50K DPS, but that was quick parse on 3-4 mobs. The caster I couldn't get to parse for some reason (but appears similar).
  7. Ninelder Augur

    So you are saying that the only use for a level 110 Tank or DPS merc is for farming an 86 to 90 level zone? You are quite exactly pointing out the horribly huge disparity between the very useful for current content Healer merc; and the even clerics can put out a lot more dps than DPS mercs. and so would be better off using a healer merc to heal while they dps instead; and lastly the only useful at level 90 content for farming, tank merc...
  8. Quill Augur

    His point was that you shouldn't even use a DPS merc, even if heals aren't an issue. I refuted that point using *an* example. There are situations where they aren't completely worthless to that extent. Not a lot of them, but they are there.

    Whatever it is you're arguing is somewhere out in the cornfield on a pole. I'll leave you to it.
  9. Axxius Augur

    I noticed that my rogue merc started outaggroing my tank merc after this patch. All the time. With identical buffs (both are hasted and have bard songs). Before the patch this was not a problem, the rogue always stayed way behind the tank.

    So, extra dps is good. But now the tank needs more aggro.
  10. Angahran Augur

    Should allow all group members to get merc xp when the equivalent real player is in the group.
    That way clerics might be able to get groups instead of being left LFG because mercs don't take loot.
    Metanis likes this.
  11. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I saw a 57k hp gain on my 110 tank merc, but I don't have all of the merc health AAs, so that's likely the difference.

    I didn't see anything which would cause me to believe it actually "tanks" better. Having said that, though, pre-patch my merc had ~180k HP (with my Savage Growth and druid skin buffs), and now has almost 240k HP. So that's a 33% increase in HPs, which alone does help deal with tougher fights. Since I always had to be pro-active with heals, I'm sure there was plenty of overhealing. Now, more of that should be actual heals ;)
  12. Petalonyx Augur

    Merc exp needs to start autogranting basic AA like PCs. Reason = large gap in power which makes it hard for new players and fresh 110s to catch up. This would be especially true in ROS/TBL.

    Merc exp should be rewarded regardless whether merc is suspended. Reason = motivate people to group with players rather than mercs that need exp and dont take loot.
    Yinla and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  13. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    The fun part is that all mercs gain 0 HP from hSTA, so I doubt the rest of the heroics on the merc gear do anything either. They also have 0 ranks of Natural Durability, so the 6000 HP on each merc gear item is just that, 6000 HP.
  14. Tappin Augur

    Great. So my tank merc will no longer get 1 round, but 2 rounded (3 if lucky). That helps soo much.
  15. Tatanka Joe Schmo


    Also, direct from the patch notes:

    *** Mercenaries ***

    - Made a first pass at improving level 106 to 110 Mercenaries. There will be further tuning in future updates.
  16. Natal Augur

    Heroic stats affect other things, such as spell shielding and such.
  17. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    In general (for players), they do. But is it working for mercs? The reason I ask is, people using mercs in TBL complained about mercs always taking full spell damage, as if they had no shielding.
  18. Natal Augur

    Do they though? It may just seem that way because mercs have a lot less hp than the average player. They might not have shielding granted by player gear, but that does not mean they don't get the shielding granted by heroics. For players it is about 1% per 400 heroics.
  19. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    My point was that, if mercs aren't receiving any hit point benefit from hSTA (which they are not), are they receiving any other benefits?
  20. Thunderkiks Augur

    Didn't parse them but one of the stats raised way up on them was the attack, specifically the accuracy part. So makes sense DPS would increase.