Holly quote.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Symbius, Jun 30, 2015.

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  1. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Was it me or did Holly just literally use the term strategery?

  2. Arya1 Lorekeeper

    If WOW, EQlive (non tlp), EQ2 can have instanced raids then why can't EQ TLP? Apart from WOW, EQlive and EQ2 don't even need it because of such a dwindled population. there is really no good reason not to have instancing. The solution is very simple. Make the mob more difficult, change the strategy and tactic the mob uses and put them in an instance (per guild not /pick). It may take casuals longer to beat mobs but they get practice and get a shot at killing it.

    If you want to keep it competitive, keep the same mobs in the base zone and keep them contested, but buff their loot up - for example, twice as much loot. Thereby giving incentive to compete, but also not diminishing the opportunity for everyone to have a chance.

    Some casuals WANT to raid. The only difference between them is that they want to choose when to raid. What really is so hard to understand about that?
  3. MBear Augur

    It wasn't used as a pejorative.
    There was nothing negative in how she used it.
  4. Numiko Augur

    Since when did good gear = a good player?

    On this server it could just means you showed up with more Krono then the other guy...
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  5. Owndar Elder

    Congrats champ, you won the Basketball portion of the special olympics . Now can you stop crying about us wanting to build more basketball courts?
    Lawyer and Dreftan like this.
  6. Moebius8 Lorekeeper

    TL is loot council, and from every loot council ive seen, and ive seen plenty. The loot council gets most of the loot. once they get gear then the rest of the unwashed masses get a bit, not much of course, just enough to keep them chasing that carrot.
  7. Arya1 Lorekeeper

    Holly stated the only reason they are not changing it is so that hardcore players don't feel like their accomplishment at having no job to wake up at 3 am to kill a mob is unchallenged. Really?

    As a physician, I have to cringe at these people 'on call' 24/7 to kill raid mobs in a game, so as to stop other people from getting it.
  8. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Actually, that's really interesting. I was recently in a rather lengthy and heated discussion on another community I'm a member of about sociopathy as it relates to marital infidelity and I see a lot of the same types of arguments and attitudes displayed on this topic on these forums. There's been a lot written about it as it relates to those who seek public office and aspire to higher office.

    In almost all forms it's associated with pathological narcissism. It would be interesting, as a gamer, to see what types of games and gameplay attracts sociopaths.
  9. DBCooper Elder

    Loot councils in successful guilds are filled with people that get LESS gear than the "unwashed masses". Was that way in Triality and is that way in RoI for sure.

    Corrupt loot councils don't tend to have guilds that last a long time.
  10. Gregolo Augur

    Pretty hard to argue with a loot system that only factors in two/three things.

    1) Your raid attendance
    2) The size of the upgrade.
    3) If you're returning a droppable item to be given out the same way right after.

    It's all transparent and available for public view.
  11. Hexaholic Augur

    It's not sharing, it's earning. I put in more time than you, therefore, I should be rewarded. It's just like a job. You do more time / work, you get more rewards / benefits. Y'all are asking for some welfare.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    Implying some sort of compensation issue, because trust me - there's not - due to my other physical issues (ODDD if you care to investigate it) I never looked into excelling at physical activities. Everything else in my life I've pretty much hit out of the park, I live a pretty charmed life - retired at 38, seaside with a dock and working on opening my own business that success or failure won't really change my life substantively.
  13. Arya1 Lorekeeper

    These people aren't "sociopaths." They play a lot and want to be elitists. The only way they can be elitist is to shut out other people from content. In other games where instancing is involved, there still is this elitism but they're less relevant.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  14. DBCooper Elder

    But I'd rather work smarter, and put in less time, and make more money.

    After all, didn't Holly herself say that when she brought up "strategy"? However, you can't play "smarter" and win when its a zerg spam fest fight, its whoever brings in the most of X classes really, so her entire argument was moot.

    What will be fun is when (assuming the servers are still around) these things hit a few expansions in and these mega guilds collapse on themselves in favor of the smaller guilds of around 50-60 people, when gear actually matters. I'll enjoy watching that from the sidelines.
  15. equinox23 Journeyman

    I am FURIOUS at reading this quote! How dare you take such an attitude! It somehow diminishes the accomplishments of other players, when I get the chance to participate too? No. You need to find a different job my dear, because this kind of attitude makes you unsuitable to be in ANY kind of position of power for this or any other game. How dare you!

    Competition in a PvE game is the stupidest thing imaginable. I can't believe I gave you people money for this game. So it makes me a "filthy casual" somehow because I'm unwilling to p___sock and use 3rd party HACK programs? Very nice.... unbelievable. Feel like having a chat with my credit card company about failure to deliver expected services after reading this quote.

    Very upset with you right now Holly, how dare you! You have NO RIGHT to judge my playstyle as any more or less desirable than anybody else's. And to think I had kind, supportive words for you when Ragefire launch didn't go smoothly. EXTREMELY upset with DBG as a whole for how this server is being handled.... There is no need for this stupid pseudo-competition. There is no excuse for having limited content, there is a reason ALL modern MMORPGS, including EverQuest, have instancing. Limited content is NOT desirable.

    Instance raids and do it NOW!!!!!
    Artemis-Entreri, Deep and Arya1 like this.
  16. Gregolo Augur

    Isn't that, exactly what they have the right to do? I mean, they could just straight up ban you in game because they didn't like your haircut. Obviously they wouldn't, but you pay them to have access to the content they produce, and that's about it.

    They set the stage, you choose to act in the play. Or not.
  17. Moebius8 Lorekeeper

    No they don't, I expect a certain guild on RF to schism any day now.
  18. Vaclav Augur

    Really? Funny the times I was sick and went home with the paychecks by accident so that only the "harcore" that got to my office to pick up their checks before I came around to the department heads to hand them out people seemed to claim they "earned them".

    Under your theorem the ones that were camping out my office to get their checks first should've gotten everyone's checks - since clearly they didn't put in enough effort to get anything.

    Additionally you don't seem to even understand how welfare operates if you think there's zero effort involved. Average application time is around 3 months in Maryland (I used to mentor the homeless that were trying to get back to work) and that's supposedly an easy state to apply, with 3+ hr waits to see someone, tons of verifications needed, etc. I'd hate to see it in a challenging state to apply.

    Unemployment is likely a better analogy if you actually knew anything about the world.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  19. Vaclav Augur

    Well it's less misplaced of a word then, since what she's referring to would actually be tactics - so at least a made up word would be closer to accurate.
  20. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    I wasn't suggesting anyone on particular was a sociopath, but they exist in all areas of modern life. Sociopaths aren't just serial killers and what you see in movies. They are around you every day, usually I it manifests itself in innocuous ways. Sometimes not. It could be the murderer you see on the news, or a politician or it could be the boyfriend who cheats on you. Or your manipulative sister or friend. They all tend to march to the beat of a particular drum and tend to have similar traits in behavior and how they go about and rationalize what they do. As a gamer and someone who has recently taken an nterest in this, I would be interested in how it relates to gaming. I guarantee you are chatting with at least a few here.

    Elitism is a sociopathic trait, btw.
    Artemis-Entreri, sihpa and Vaclav like this.
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