Holiday Item Deadlines for Player Studio

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Amnerys, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Amnerys Augur


    If you're a Player Studio artist (or know someone who is interested in becoming one), this notice is for you.

    Anyone creating fall or winter holidays-themed items, please get those items submitted by the deadline(s) listed below. You're welcome to submit earlier of course, but these are the cut-off dates for this year's season in order for the teams involved to do reviews, provide feedback, etc.

    Fall: October 14
    Winter: November 3

    EverQuest II:
    Fall: Sept 30
    Winter: Nov 2

    PlanetSide 2:
    Fall: September 30
    Winter: November 3

    Can you create items that are at least this cool?


    For more information about Player Studio, visit the links above. If you're interested in taking part in the Player Studio discussion, make sure to visit the Player Studio forums.
    MasterMagnus and IceSy like this.