Heroic Adventures in older zones?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ebonylight-Xegony, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Rainbowdash Augur

    Honestly, with this thread alone plus the success of things like the Velious RoF zones, NToV raid revamp, Hardcore Heritage etc, i think it's clear people would enjoy, likely even payfor this. I myself would prob pay like $20 per account for a "content pack" ( not full expac) of just this. HAs in like 1-2 zones per older expac with recycled level appropriate gear and spells like current CoTF HAs.
    Lisandra and drkoli like this.
  2. Edrick Augur

    I wouldn't have to think a second time before buying something like this.

    Such a huge amount of players today play because it's old Everquest, for all it's good and bad points. Cashing in on that periodically would make a lot of people happy and would probably make SOE some money.

    Just don't touch Old Sebilis and Karnor's Castle, I want those to be hardcore heritage zones!
    Lisandra, Sancus and drkoli like this.
  3. Coronae New Member

    This would be so awesome! Even if they made an expansion based around it, I would pay my $40 and go do HA's in all my old favorite zones.
  4. Rainbowdash Augur

    An awesome place to start...would be pre-revamp revamped zones. HA in Oasis? EC? Highpass? ;D
    Lisandra likes this.
  5. Gumlakx Augur

    Picture this: you zone into an Estate of Unrest HA. When you start moving forward you see an emote "TRAIN TO ZONE" then a halfling druid NPC runs past you. The first stage of the HA is to survive the train.
  6. SaderakhBertox Augur

    You don't have to outrun the dragon, just the halfling behind you!
    Crystilla likes this.
  7. Crumm Lorekeeper

    Oh man, City of Mist HAs = please take my credit card.
    drkoli and Feradach like this.
  8. Shang Augur

    A Vxed and Tipt HA gave me the heeby-jeebies.
  9. drkoli Augur

  10. Silentchaos Augur

    I would do things that are illegal in several US states for a HA in Dreadspire Keep.
  11. Makavien Augur

    They should do this and put a small team on it and charge so much sc per 10 zone's add a merchant like old man mekenzie make the ha scale from 10 levels above the original zone to 105 and release so many every 3 months.

    They could also do this same exact concept with older raids. or just have a different small team working on that doing 1 zone at a time .