Gyrospire Relocation Device Nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fanra, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    If it really bothers you this much....Roll a mage, have people bind in the lobby and pass out Cauldron summoned Instagate door clickers? Multiple charges and not even lore. Anyone without a stein or who is waiting on recast can use that and live.

    Every day, Forum-Quest reaches new heights in dumb things to needlessly complain about.
    Drusi and Phrovo1 like this.
  2. Phrovo1 Augur

    forums have been on a roll lately
  3. Gundolin Augur

    They work when you have DA up like Gyro used to?
  4. Fanra

    Look, the whole point of my thread was that I used to be able to move between gryospires in order to get my guild back to the guild hall. I fail to see how that in any way hurts EQ.

    Rather than addressing the issue, I see a lot of posts telling me I'm wrong for all sorts of other reasons.

    It is simple:

    I would go to Beza, TL some guild members back to the guild hall, then go to Zeka, TL some more members back to the guild hall. Now I can't.

    I still have seen no one at all say why this is a bad thing that needed to be "fixed".
  5. Khat_Nip Meow

    The Recast Delay: 30 minutes was always displayed on the item, it just wasn't taking effect.
    Now they've fixed it to work properly. Ergo, not a nerf.
    Drusi and Sheex like this.
  6. segap Augur

    Regardless of the merits of it being fixed or not, there are a plethora of ways for those players to get back. Mage summoned gate clickie, primary/secondary anchor, Throne vet AA, gate potions, etc. It's very nice that you've been helping people out, but, honestly, it's on those people to have the means to get back fast. People need to be responsible for themselves.
  7. Reval Augur

    I play a pet class, and it sucks to die on a pet class. You have to remake the pet, re equip the pet, probably remake another pet, re equip that pet, etc...

    I'm not someone that is immune to the problems you are facing. I face them too.

    But if daybreak wants us to have an easier time evacuating from a raid, I would say that the correct way to do that would be to make the teleport spell pop faster.

    Having an easy mode gate all the time through anything item in game like that is ridiculous. If daybreak thinks that this trivializes things too much, I have no realistic way to complain about it while maintaining the person that I am.

    If they want to solve your problem, they should add in aa's to lower the cast time on teleport, but that shouldn't make it ok that if someone has an itchy enough trigger finger that they are 100% immune from death while doing risky things. Consequences should exist in the game.
    Sheex likes this.
  8. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    As a wizard with a nexus-AA(instant-cast nexus gate, fast enough recast, 5-10 mins? don't remember + an instant cast succor, longer recast) ,I still die quite a lot on raids, even though I technically have the perfect escape.
    On raids: I have a duty to get the rest of the raid to safety.
    In groups: instant-evaccing the group from the deep end of a dungeon-crawl prematurely is also unpopular, gotta carefully evaluate the situation first, though I do sometimes save the group in time.
    Instant-cast-"get out of danger" is mostly a solo/grouping-perk.

    I wouldn't mind a faster casting time on teleport though, but I understand why its slow, it adds suspense!! :eek:
  9. Reval Augur

    I meant to say a faster casting teleport. I assume with a reasonable number of wizards that the repop is fast enough.

    If they're making an environment where your entire raid force needs a teleport out every 5 minutes, I think that's a whole new problem.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Sometimes things get fixed as a result of fixing or adding something else. The same way things get broken.

    At least they told us and it wasn't a nasty surprise in a bad situation.
  11. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I know what you meant, I just argued that the solo/group-toys we have aren't used much on raids, since we wizards have to stand in the middle of the chaos for 15? secs casting teleport, instead of saving our own behind. :)
    There is no cooldown time on teleport, btw.
    That said, if they give us an AA for the next expansion that reduces teleport casting time, it will be the first AA I buy.
  12. smash Augur

    Then if need teleport out every 5 min, then maybe aim lower with easier targets.
    Or just die. Since 1/2 of raid dead.
  13. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    We don't need a teleport every 5 mins, but if we did, we would have an extremely efficient raid-recovery procedure...
    We are not that awesome at wiping...:p