Fixed Internally Graphic Stamping

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Salendir, May 19, 2023.

  1. Salendir New Member

    I am having Graphic stamping happening when the inventory window is open, If i have a item on my cursor and move it all over the bottom and right side of the screen it leaves stamping. When the inventory window is not open it just hides the item like behind something that isn't there. It does this no matter what toon or mode. (Window mode, Full screen, alts ,main)
    Emilari, Ladro Ninehands and Yinla like this.
  2. Ladro Ninehands New Member

    I have the same issue. Only way to fix it seems to be to log out.
    Salendir likes this.
  3. Ladro Ninehands New Member

    This bug is still alive and well after the hotfix. I should mention this is happening on windows 11 and windows 10 on 3 various machines.
    Salendir likes this.
  4. Ladro Ninehands New Member

    Has anyone figured out a fix for this or are we the only two people suffering from this annoying bug? Please let me know any steps I can take to resolve the problem. I realize there are many pressing issues since you released this new UI virus but I am teetering on the edge of another monthly payment due soon and would like to know if I should continue paying for this beta testing game that's been out for 24 years now.
    Not sure if it helps to nail down the cause but it occurs for me any time I am trying to drag items from one bag to my bank or another bag. It also happens when I mouse click and hold to move a hotbutton, or even when I "create" a hot button from the bandolier and try to replace an old hotbutton on the bar.
  5. Scila Augur

    Did you enable the scaling? If you did, try scaling it back down some and see if it resolves. It could be it's scaled too high for your monitor.
  6. Monkeychunks Augur

  7. JolineSZ Augur

    Same here, also weird thing happening in hotbutton bars, items on cursor also hiding there behind the window and leaves icons all over the screen /sigh
  8. Ladro Ninehands New Member

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions and particular Scila who made the suggestion I was sure that I had already tried which is is to go back to 1.00 scale and that did the trick. I thought that I had already done this but when I opened the options it was set to 0.85.
    As I was testing this it was strangely only happening on the edges of the screen so I think that you were correct in the way the scaling was not working at the resolution I was set to where the area was exceeded.
    Thanks again, whew! Nice to have that over with.
  9. EU Player New Member

    Yep, it's the scaling that causes it.
    I went back to 1.00 and no more ghosting of icons when dragging.
    Thank God for the end of that.
  10. Jakken Journeyman

    I've noticed that when I'm using a UI scale which is less than 1.00, the region of my screen which allows items to be visible on my cursor is also reduced by the same multiplier.
    It seems that this region is anchored to the top left, and reduced by the UI multiplier on the right and bottom of the viewport.

    When I am holding an item and move it outside of this region, it disappears from my cursor until I return it to the screen.
    If I do this very quickly, it leaves a semi-permanent glitched artifact of that item until the next time my UI reloads.

    An item which is only partially off the screen will be cut off at the exact edge of the region (indicated by the red circle in my screenshot), and using this it is possible to outline the region where the UI ends (the yellow box).[IMG]
    Emilari likes this.
  11. Yolan Lorekeeper

    I post this too right after the patch. This happens when you rearrange hot buttons too. I rearranged my UI last night and had hot buttons everywhere. I couldn't see the hp of my group.

    I am personally using a custom UI. I wonder if I could change the UI scale (which hopefully won't effect my UI if all windows are cusom (I don't know if they are)) to get rid of the bug until it gets fixed.
    Jakken likes this.
  12. Jakken Journeyman

    As far as I can tell, it's only the new UI windows (Button bar and inventory) which are affected by /ui scale. If you set it to 1.00 then the artifacts should go away. The problem is that at 1.00 scale, the inventory takes up nearly my entire screen
  13. klanderso Developer

    This is fixed internally, but won't be in the update tomorrow (missed the cutoff). Though if we do a client hotfix for other reasons, I'll try to get this fix squeezed in too.
    Wulfhere, Meeko and Emilari like this.