Give me back my Goranga Spear!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tsolaes, Apr 18, 2013.

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  1. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Or make it so that your skill is capped at 0 in that weapon type. I have no firearms skill, but I can pick up a gun and wildly shoot it at a barn and accidentally hit an airplane instead.
    Fenudir, Andarriel and Straahdx like this.
  2. Explicit Augur

    This post probably makes more sense than anything else on these boards.
  3. Mykaylla Augur

    Yep, there are already weapons that I have zero skill in that I can wield- Overseer's Lasher, Akhevan Shadow Shears, Runed Heretic Longsword. Can't hit worth a damn, but I can still wield it!
  4. Prathun Developer

    We're going to revert the changes on the following weapons so that they can be wielded by shaman (and a few others) again.
    22817 Runed Othmir Spear
    22818 Othmir Chieftain Spear
    27740 Sharp Wooden Spear
    27743 Carved Long Spear
    27744 Stone Tipped Long Spear
    27746 Bone Tipped Long Spear
    31489 Sambata Tribal Spear
    31793 Sambata Hunter's Spear
    32330 Goranga Spear
    32337 Tribal Spear
    49060 Rongol's Pitchfork
    67287 Spear of Permafrost
    67291 Frozen Spear of Permafrost

    Meeper, Wizlard, Orangemilk and 38 others like this.
  5. Tanecho Augur

    This would require a new weapon type for monks/beastlords, or the removal of hand to hand skill for non monk/beastlords. Otherwise, our extremely rare weapons would have fierce competition for them.
  6. Mary Poppins Augur

    Well that was easy. I was expecting to have to whine about this for at least a couple years. Maybe having an assling in charge isn't so bad after all...

    So now that it's over and we won and stuff, can someone please explain what the hell Mel Gibson had to do with any of this?
    Fenthen and PrathunSOE like this.
  7. Straahdx Augur

    Why? They would still only be monk / bst useable. They would still have all of the req they have now, complete with the class listed on who can use. For everyone else, they would effectively work like a no damage weapon, ie, not swing, and you would not get any of the stats if you were not one of the listed classes. It would just show you holding a weapon, thats it..
  8. Tsolaes Elder

    Thank you all for your support on this dire issue!!!

    I stopped by today to post some more pictures and kick the post back up top, and was amazed to see the replies of support and even PrathunSOE's response! As to what this has to do with Mel Gibson.. my first thought to the nerf was "GIVE ME BACK MY SPEAR!" then I thought of the movie Ransom, then made the pic and just went with the theme to be stupid. Here are the rest of the pics I was going to post over the week if the issue hadn't got attention:





    I was prepared to take this issue all the way to Smed! Thanks again for the attention everyone! And for Prathun fixing this! Now my Shadow costume is complete!

    MGB /thanks for all! ^_^
    Orangemilk, Edrick, Rashari and 2 others like this.
  9. Noobieguy Augur

    LOL This post makes me laugh, I support it just because of the liberal use of pictures with entertaining text.
  10. Broogan New Member

    Happy to see this Tsolaes! Congrats :)
    Grupp of Xegony
    Broogan of FV
  11. Rashari Elder

    Hilarious! Best Thread ever :)
  12. Illusionist_Innania Augur

    Thanks for the changes! I don't personally use any of those weapons, but I know what it's like to have a favorite look (I'm an enchanter after all).

    And didn't you leave for a bit Prathun? Or am I just delirious?
  13. Velora Journeyman

    It was a comical way to get his point a cross. It should be known, hence forth, that logic is no longer needed when trying to get something you want, post a picture of Mel Gibson with some funny text, and you'll be fine. Logic and collaboration = no response from a dev, pictures of Mel Gibson = 100% chance.
    Mary Poppins and drkoli like this.
  14. Rhymez Thebard Elder

    No idea how I found this post. But I haven't laughed that hard all week.

  15. Edrick Augur

    I find this bump acceptable
  16. Elricvonclief Augur


    That said, this thread was hilarious back then, and is again today.
  17. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Thank you for necroposting this. It needs a sticky!!
  18. Edrick Augur

  19. Fendy Augur

    complexication likes this.
  20. Synisca Augur

    This thread is amazing~
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