Game Update: Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 5:00AM Pacific

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager


    All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 5:00AM Pacific*. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for approximately 3 hours.

    This patch is to address the concerns some players are having with Heroic Characters.

    Keep an eye on the EverQuest website and the forums for status updates and for news if additional downtime is needed.

    EDIT: Downtime is now estimated to be approximately 3 hours.

    *Time Zone Converter
  2. Fendy Augur

    Gasp =O
  3. Hanun New Member

    I was curious if it would also be fixing the Wood Elf Beastlord's not being able to choose Kelethin as their starting city. Crescent Reach is nice and all but not really the home of Wood elves.
    Graybeard likes this.
  4. Apocalyps Elder

    When are u guys gonna release last years anniversary stuff i was expecting something of relavence to be released other then a way to Pl a new toon easier and this years content on the 19th
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Can they also change it so Frog Monks can start in Rathe Mountains and WE treelords can start in G Fay?

    Pretty please with cherries and cream on top.
    Graybeard likes this.
  6. Zinth Augur

    uhm have this already happened? because I am still unable to do the HC J5 quest on many chars
  7. Riou EQResource

    not yet, it is in roughly 50 minutes (of this post)
  8. Famka Elder

    Great, if they keep this up my alts will never get the 40%hp update from the Mechamatic Guardian.
    Yesterday, 55%, server coming down... back to 100%
    Today, 77%, server coming down... again, back to 100%
    Oh well, at least they got the augs.
  9. Jam_sandwich New Member

    Famka, what quest/task is this please?
  10. Perspero New Member

    It's a 12th Anniversary quest/task, Jam. It's called maximum Capacity and is affectionately called the "ongoing raid." You get the whirligig flyer control device (Jet mount).

    The other quest related to this is the parts is parts task. It gives you are really nice aug upon completion. :)
  11. Stonebear New Member

    Please do something about the horrendous zonetime when zoning into Feerrott 2 (Feerrott: The Dream). Ever since the Winter Patch (that added the random mobs to HoThule Zones) there has been at least a 5min zonetime for myself, and a numerous amount of players. I zone to any other zone, including recent expansions, within less than 5 seconds. This is the only zone that is causing trouble, that I have encountered.
  12. Terminal New Member

    Since you're addressing concerns players have with HC, how about addressing the fact that you completely broke monks? Dragon Force knockback is procing constantly when Dragon Punch is not used, I spent the entire time since the last patch to this one chasing mobs around that were being flung around when no abilities were used.
  13. Famka Elder

    Perspero likes this.
  14. jc4jax New Member

    Why does your server status page always shows the EQ1 servers as being up when it is actually down for patch/update?
    Eldcen likes this.
  15. Eldcen New Member

    That annoys me too. The status page does show all the servers going down, but then they all come back up very fast, but remain locked. But the status page says they are up.

    Up = players can login. Up =/= the server has been booted but is locked.

    The status page should be keyed off the servers being both up and unlocked.
  16. Riou EQResource

    The server status has no Locked status :(, only Down, Low, Medium, High, and of course Missing :p Locked the servers are technically up with Low population, but it doesn't send a Locked status
  17. Terminal New Member

    Please fix the Monk Dragon Force going off all the time without using Dragon Punch in this same patch omg :( perma knockback is making me /cry
  18. EverChanter Augur

    Sooo 2 1/2 hours over...Can we get an update on the patch?
  19. Abadacus New Member

    ............................cmon bro, seriously
  20. Screu New Member

    servers went down at 5 am 3 hour down time is 8am pacific which is in half an hour so how are they 2.5 hours over?