Frozen Orb of the Fabled King

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jewels, May 9, 2016.

  1. Jewels New Member

    A long time ago in a moment of stupidity I claimed the hStr instead of hDex aug from this line, is there an option or a way to swap this version into another version?
  2. Brudal Augur

    I tried to petition this same type of request many years ago (power failure too many claims pending ups power fading have to select quick or lose it), and it was not allowed. Maybe you will have better luck with the current staff.

    Yes i have the dexterity aug, but at the time it was supposed to be strength.
  3. Dzarn Developer

    Both the Frozen Orb of the Fabled King and the Stone of the Crystal Circle will be changed in the next full patch to use the item conversion button to cycle through the various heroic stat configurations for the items in their respective lore groups.
  4. Brudal Augur

    Any chance to include the stone of power, war games and plane of war raid augs to this ability?
  5. Dibab Augur

    Dzarn for pres 2016
  6. Bamkan Augur

    On one hand I really wanted the ability to change these augs.

    On the other hand , I now have a lot of farm for hAgi augs to do :( More content for Bamkan :)
  7. Gumby Augur

    Holy crap you are the bestest person in the whole world.

    Just for you...

  8. Jewels New Member

    Not only is this change awesome but I petitioned and they offered to swap it at this time. Thanks DB! As far as the war games, anni ones and such I am not sure that they fall into the same category as you actually need to get a specific drop. I can see the differences but I also see where the other side is coming from. I would also like to be able to swap those around but I don't think that will be offered.
  9. Bobsmith Augur

    I doubt that they would do this as those are separate Augs all together. Where the ones dzarn mentioned are one Aug with multiple configurations. Just my 2cp
    Dibab likes this.
  10. Brudal Augur

    That is possible, but lore grouped augs with different names are still lore grouped like the other augs being updated. If they add the change, great; if they don't I will still swap out augs with tokens.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Bobsmith like this.
  11. Savager Augur

    It would make sense to add them since they are screwing with the heroics in the next patch and people that went one way may not necessarily want to go that way anymore
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  12. shadowgod Augur

    Someone want to explain why this was a priority over fixing broke TBM group gear ? We buy a product 6 months later you still wont fix it.
  13. Bobsmith Augur

    Don't you already have a thread on this? Don't knock decent changes at all even if they don't fit your "need". This effects me none since I have replaced both of those augs at this point, and I still think it is great. But to each his own. As far as the group gear issue have you tried putting a ticket on the eq issue tracker?
  14. Orthodox New Member

    Can you please direct me to Frozen Orb of the Fabled King fix thread on the Daybreak issue tracker?
  15. Bobsmith Augur

    Nope it was only a suggestion in the form of a question. I personally have no idea what is on there. And after the lack of communication about the last necro nerfs....well I don't care. Only trying to help :p
  16. shadowgod Augur

    The group gear issue effects thousands of toons while they fix an orb that most probably don't even use anymore. I love the use of resources here don't you ?
  17. Triconix Augur

    And if you look at the bigger picture, this is just a part of the process of the new heroic/mod2 revamp. So yes, I do love the use of resources.

    Maybe you (pl.) should look at the big picture before narrowing in on one single thing.
  18. Warpeace Augur

    I would not say that at all. They are allowing people to change their mind and be able to go from Dex to Agility or whatever choice you want and not being stuck with a poor Aug choice. Basically if they continue with that for all the augs in different lore groups its easier for people to get the aug they want.

    How is this bad in the first place?

    That aug is not exactly outdated either.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Bobsmith like this.
  19. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Forum-Questing 101 from the future first "lady" hisself:
  20. Orthodox New Member

    They're allowing that on two old augs. Everything after "basically" in that statement is conjecture and hogwash. This isn't some new system of "select whichever stat you want from a drop down menu and all your dreams will come true."

    We're not talking about the heroic mod2 revamp, we're talking about the Frozen Orb of the Fabled King and Stone of the Crystal Circle and the whimsical and abrupt way they were changed relative to other real issues. Appealing to the bigger picture as it relates to +8 of one heroic stat on two items is slightly misguided.

    The foci on these scaling items isn't working correctly. This is bigger picture.