For God's sake, do SOMETHING!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by beyrak, Jun 26, 2015.

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  1. beyrak Augur

    That AFK bot trio are back at it in South Karana 1. I don't know how many tweets, petitions, threads, and posts on this forum from various people take to get something done. But when a trio are allowed to bot for days on end disrupting opportunities for everyone else who are actually at their keyboard, it is wrong.

    But ignore it, close down and remove this thread and allow the hackers to continue.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  2. Gregolo Augur

    I've explained this before, maybe you missed it.

    1. Botters are not hackers, they are customers that purchase the software to become botters
    2. The software engineers behind this make money off of people using it
    3. If everyone gets banned for using it, they don't make money
    4. Therefore, less detectable software equates to more money
    5. If you ban people individually it DIRECTLY tells the software engineer what was detectable in most cases
    6. So if you ban in large waves, it keeps them guessing on how/why those bans were handed out.
    You're right, DBG should be more on top of this. But remember that DBG consists of like 3 dudes and an unpaid intern. It's skeleton crew city.

    Hacking is a lot more rampant in games that ban people piece-meal. It allows the people making the software to stay on top of being undetectable by sacrificing the odd client here and there.
  3. beyrak Augur

    Well, I can understand that. But it is obvious these guys are bots, it doesn't take any detection other than the necked eye.

    I don't mind IZboxer, but it's people like this trio who are never at their keyboard and been here for days on end with never a rest.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  4. Gregolo Augur

    Train them? Get a wizard friend and KS them all day. People running scripts aren't going to petition you.

    Think of it like duck hunting.
  5. Hendar2 Augur

    Botters are unattended users. Boxers are attended There is a big difference. Greg doesn't seem to understand because he is too busy trying to explain things.
    Jaxarale01, Rhiyannon and Kellaer like this.
  6. Rhiyannon Augur

    4 days straight other than when the server went down, these guys have been there now in sk. this isn't a freakin weekend, this is tues to fri 24/7.

    train them? really? that's so friggen asinine greg, really. as for detecting them and their software... hmmm out in the open in sk, in front of a whole zone of shammies doing the rounds for grizzleknot... nope not obvious at all...must be the software!!!
  7. beyrak Augur

    They are still at it in Ragefire, SK 1 @ Treants.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  8. Peone Lorekeeper

  9. Jaxarale01 Augur

    That is why you use /ignore!
    Best tool on the boards... I dont even see his ignorance and self serving posts anymore! From your post I can see he has not changed even after his forced 3 day vacation... maybe he should log in Ookay and post... that way people will listen to the drama a bit more?

    Rhiyannon likes this.
  10. Rhiyannon Augur

    so... 5 days with obvious afk botters out in the open... and we're supposed to believe something is being done? we're paying for these servers, hire a gm and deal with these issues.
  11. gander Augur

    After reading this thread, I had to go to SK and check it out. These guys are still going at it. Oblivious to the world. They don't answer /tells. They will soon be the most infamous botters ever of EQ.
    Xanadas, Giappo and Rhiyannon like this.
  12. Willy Willers Lorekeeper

    Play somewhere else?
  13. gander Augur

    Had to be someone defending the cheaters. Had to be. Congrats.
    Smallpox, Kellaer, Rhiyannon and 2 others like this.
  14. Rhiyannon Augur

    so... lucky me, i have a fantastic 50 chanter guildie who heard the plight and doesn't like cheating asshattery...

    he joined me in sk1, he talked to them, sent them a tel and got no response... so he warned them he was going to mess up their botting...

    he then charmed both treants away, after a few mins the shaman finally got up and looked around, i guess he read the lovely bit in /say, when i saw him moving i /e snickered... magic... they poofed! so my guildie is staying for a bit and is holding them in witness protection.
    Fallfyres, Xanadas and beyrak like this.
  15. beyrak Augur

    Good job Rhiyannon! ;)
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  16. Rhiyannon Augur

    amazing, another chanter read this and is now there too... woot.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  17. beyrak Augur

    'Legion of the Savage', bunch of kool people in that guild?
  18. Rhiyannon Augur

    well.... i'd like to think so lol
  19. beyrak Augur

    A certain Necro may be interested in such a mischievous guild..
  20. Numiko Augur

    To bad they took down the screenshot thread or you could have about 50 people show up snap a screenie and then upload all the shots there.....
    Rhiyannon likes this.
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