
Discussion in 'Casters' started by piie, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. piie New Member

    Any tricks to improving skill ups? On my ench I have a level 75 nuke that fizzles 2/3 of the time and a level 72(not sure of the levels but you get the best nuke and second best nuke)that nukes flawlessly. I'm focusing on the nuke that works but I never see the skill go up in the particular school. I'm getting scared to level any more...recommendations? I could burn some training points but besides that?
  2. Fenudir Augur

    Use a low level, fast casting nuke and spam it on a guild hall test dummy until you max for your level.
  3. segap Augur

    He's playing an enchanter. No such thing as a fast casting nuke. The advice still stands though, find the fastest casting low level spells that use that spell type (evo) and spam them on a combat dummy or summoned animation. Because most enchanter nukes have long cool downs, weaving 3 or 4 is probably more efficient.

    Alternatively, just use the last rank of the spells so that the mastery of the past aa prevents fizzles. If using nukes frequently enough, the skill will come up on it's own even if you've pl'd and not been casting until now.
  4. Brohg Augur

    Chaotic Feedback Detail | History | Raw Data

    Slot Description
    1: Decrease Hitpoints by 25 (L7) to 57 (L15)
    2: Stun (1.00 sec)

    Mana: 16 Skill: Evocation
    Casting Time: 2 Recast Time: 1.5
  5. svann Augur

    You could even setup an external macro to cast it over and over while you sit there and eat lunch. Or nap.
  6. Crystilla Augur

    What are you using to see the skillups? Just guesswork?

    Asking because you can make an audio trigger "you have become better at" and you'll hear when you get them.

    It could be that you are already maxxed for your level in that skill as well.
  7. piie New Member

    thanks for the guild hall is just the standard guild hall, i'm guessing it needs to be purchased? As far as the guesswork of not getting skill ups, i'm just reading through the combat parses and seeing the spell fail repeatedly. casting at my animated shield guy..ill try that.
  8. Narye Augur

    Don't stress it - I'm 105, max everything - and I fizzle tash...
  9. Brohg Augur

    if your guild doesn't own a custom guild hall (#1: they only cost some plat, so that's weiiiiird, but whatever.), then you can ask in your server's #general for someone else's visitable Hall, and go HAM on their dummies.
  10. Kizzy New Member

    Don't forget about this little gem.

    [2562] Intellectual SuperiorityClasses: ENC/17
    Skill: Alteration
    Mana: 70
    Target: Single
    Range: 100'
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Casting: 4s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 27m (270 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    1: Increase Effective Casting Level by 6

    ~Rpoo~ Till they fix soe login
  11. svann Augur

    You can also go to the arena and fight your healer merc.
  12. Orbital101 Augur

    and get backstabbed in the back lol.

    I prefer dueling a alt merc or pet in my house so i dont bother anyone or... get stabbed in the back p
  13. menown Augur

    The whole arena zone is considered a combat zone. You don't have to be in the coliseum to duel someone there. I usually group with an alt that has a pet and duel. Let a merc heal the pet while I cast or melee it down.
  14. Axxius Augur

    You don't need a pet for this. Simply hit the merc itself. :)
  15. CrazyLarth Augur