Firiona Vie - <Insanity>

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Miss_Jackie, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    We were able to Crystal Core tonight (we tried Zek brothers but died :(). Here's some screenies:


    P.S. We're still looking for more members! Send a guild mate a tell and we'll get you invited. You must be 18 and over, due to adult humor. Thanks! <3
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    We beat 3 more raids this past Sunday (in Seeds of Destruction). Here's some screenies:



    So, with that said.. We are specifically looking for more healers (all 3 types of healers) and plate tanks. Please send a member a tell and we'll get you situated. :)

    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. NotRumzlug Lorekeeper

    Do you guys farm anything or just beat it once then move on? :)
  4. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    We beat it once and then move on, since it's older content.
  5. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    We beat another SoD raid:

    And of course, we're still looking for more healers and plate tanks! :)
  6. Miss_Jackie Custom Title


    We recently started Underfoot raid progression. Not only are we recruiting new members (we are need in need more tanks and healers especially), but our raids would really appreciate guest raiders. Our loot rule is that items are handed out through the use of random. Raids are 85+.

    Interested? Contact Gooshy! :)
  7. HouseSilverflame New Member

    Mrow! that is all!
    Miss_Jackie likes this.
  8. Tigobitty New Member

    *poke poke* Still recruiting? I'm looking for a guild to call home.. coming back after over a decade of other MMOs... would love to raid as a healer some day. (Or an Unhealer as needed!)
  9. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Sorry for the late response, full time studies have kept me busy. :(

    Anywho, yes we are still recruiting and such. We're completely casual and we would love MORE raiders.

    Mrow. :)
  10. Cloudneinr New Member

    Any room for a leveling, though active 32 necromancer? I'm looking to join a guild that has helpful players with knowledge and possibly a helping hand once in a while to find good leveling spots. I've always had a deep interest in Everquest when I was younger and am looking to fill some free time in joining a serious group. I'm mature and can take humor produced from others so being an adult is ez pz.
    Miss_Jackie likes this.
  11. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Of course! I have various alts at varying levels. Just give someone a tell and we'll get you situated. =)
  12. Cloudneinr New Member

    I'm kind of a noob. I tried sending you a message in game, Gooshy. But it seems it only goes through as jibberish. Once more, I'm fairly new and have only been poking around Bloodfire Moors for gaining experience. Evaglno is my character's name also. So if you have a way to send a message or an invite to the Guild. Dat would be great! Looking forward to getting started on adventuring.
  13. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    To get around the languange barrier, use [tell, instead of /tell. This'll do until I can give you some points in Elvish. :)
  14. Cloudneinr New Member

    I'm still awaiting an invite to your guild. I ran into one of your members in the guild hall earlier. But they were AFK. We need to arrange a timing to meet. My necro is currently at lvl 40.
  15. Fuzzbuttle Journeyman

    Hey! i just came back to eq after a long an failed journey through ff 14 and destiny!!!! :D
    I was in the guild but i guess i was kicked? 8(
    can i haz a reinvite? im here to stay this time i promise !!! no more wandering round 8)

    Fuzzbuttle 74 pally FV!
    Miss_Jackie likes this.
  16. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Hey there!

    I'll be on sometime this evening when I arrive back from classes. If I'm not on, just contact Entropus, Selidoor, or Toadette/Evvy for a guild invite.

    Glad to see you back! <3
  17. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    Hey are y'all considering a branch of the guild for the new TLP server? I know you guys got your start on Mayong back in the day.
  18. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Let me roll it over. Send an in-game mail and junk. =)
  19. Mostcus Floppa

    Heya! I dont play more than 8 month. Guild is still alive?
  20. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Barely. *sadface*