Find a new way to check if people are AFK

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Reece, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Yara_AB Augur

    None of us failed. You simply fail to comprehend that the Rules of Conduct are referenced in the EULA (afaik) and so you have to respond to requests from GMs and Guides.

    Do however you like - but don't come here and complain you got a ban. I am pretty sure they do anything to make sure nobody gets suspended / banned for nothing.

    But again: Them sending tells I see as sort of a reminder like "you look like you could be doing bad things - so now is your chance to stop it or bust". I do not believe this is the only check they do.
  2. code-zero Augur

    You're the "rules lawyer" here with your bone deep stupid assertion that you don't have to reply to /tell from Guides or GM's because the EULA doesn't say "Imak, you better reply to tells from Guides and GM's or bad things may happen"
  3. Imak Augur

    Please link any posts in this thread where I used words like "I won't" or "I don't have to" or "I refuse to" or any other combination of alphanumeric characters which make up any assertion about anything at all that I am unwilling to do in game.

    There certainly is something bone deep stupid here, you got that part right. Reading is hard, I know.
    Fastdefense likes this.
  4. code-zero Augur

    And you have failed at reading.

    Being totally objective and trying to maintain a constructive take on the discussion. You have consistently maintained that there's nothing that would require a player to respond to a tell from a Guide or GM because it is not explicitedly stated in the EULA.

    If this is NOT your position then please tell me what I read incorrectly in your statements.

    You on the other hand have read things into the replies to your asinine statements. You've been a pretty successful troll here however if people take your position as being valid it will result in negative consequences to say the least and that is why people are reacting strongly to the dangerous and misleading line of reasoning that you have espoused.
  5. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Cept if you don't respond to GM tells and get banned don't cry on the forums :)
  6. Fastdefense New Member

    I understand Imaks original argument and still agree. Why must I respond to anyone shooting me a text.... So many players have so much drama just like this forum. We could make a soap opera off of,this....
    Maybe respond to GM's, but you can legally always plead the fifth!
  7. Banuvan Augur

    You think you have rights within Everquest and with your account(s)? You need to read the rules again brotha. You have no rights. DBG owns your accounts and everything associated with them. They can do whatever they want with them. Your plead the fifth don't mean a damn thing to them. When EQ first came out the mantra was "You're in our world now". You have to be a complete moron to think DBG can't take your accounts and delete them and then troll the out of you by monitoring IP, credit cards, email addresses associated with those accounts and ban the hell out of every single one you try to make.

    Go ahead and talk about your rights while you get the shaft 6 ways from Sunday.
  8. Fastdefense New Member

    Valid. They do own every aspect of the game.