Fate of Plane of War

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rhayzer TheTrickster, May 27, 2014.

  1. Ravengloome Augur

    ^^^ THIS

    There needs to be a balance, Its pretty boring when all the content is hard (and i love hard content) and its equally boring if all the content is easy (I am looking at you ROF/COTF T1!). Balance is something in the past EQ never has had, but it seems like they have gotten abit closer to it with COTF (granted lack of content kind of sucks, but theres a noticeable difference between T1 and T2)
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Jiggs Elder

    I wonder if they keep logs to track how many people actually zone in to new zones like PoW?

    Do they track how many people have completed certain flags/achievements?

    And if so, do they use that data to revisit the content the created to make any adjustments?
  3. Ravengloome Augur

    They can track all of that.

    There was a post (I think it was PoWar one, where Dzarn introduced the idea) Dzarn said "Only 32 people have finished the Hero's journey... yaddayadda" I cant remember the other part of what he said, but he mentioned they could track achievements like that gamewide.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  4. Tarrin Augur

    We need more 5am on a Tuesday population logs of PoWar for this thread.
  5. CaptAmazing Augur

    its the same as Friday evenings.
  6. Torriadore Elder

    Likely to some extent, they reverted old mistmoore castle changes (not the latest temp revamp) because it supposedly saw less use than the original.
  7. MrGPAC Augur

    I think that:

    Really hard zones that require 2-3 groups to defeat the hardest names and to get appropriate loot is great.

    I also think that:

    Zones where parts of them are really difficult/time consuming to access are great, along with suitable rewards for gaining that access.

    That said, I think that really hard zones that require 2-3 groups to defeat the hardest named that are locked behind parts of the zone that are really really difficult/time consuming to get access to are lame. One or the other is great. You can get all the people you need to waltz into the open zone to get the mob down....OR you can get your close group of friends through the painful progression to access the big bad named...but having to do BOTH just makes it unappealing.

    My 2 cents anyways.

  8. Ravengloome Augur

    11 of 12 namers are basically gimme's as far as access goes.
  9. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    That had far far more to do with it being an unwanted revamp of a zone people regularly used during their leveling after it had been a hot zone and people remembered how fun it is.

    If they were to do it today they would make it a separate zone using the same zone geometry and a click zone-in similar to the fear shards.
  10. Zahrym Augur

    If the reward was worth the risk PoWar was great. Circle4's, while nice to min/max. Are not going to get the popular vote from the EQ community, especially not with 2 year old raid gear still being better.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.