Falling krono prices

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mulleteer, May 22, 2018.

  1. Aurastrider Augur

    You continue to state that the krono will not be around without any reasonable or logical reasoning behind it. You are using your own emotional response in terms of not liking them and trying to create a rational reasoning to get rid of them and a rather flawed one at that. I hate hardboiled eggs but that doesn't mean I am going to convince people who like them to stop enjoying them just because I think they stink and taste nasty. You can continue to repeat the same thing over and over again but it isn't going to make it true.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  2. Cicelee Augur

    I would think it is a supply/demand answer as to why prices go up and down. Economics 101.

    I am curious as to (a) how many unused Krono is in the game right now, and (b) how many of them are traded each day. If you have 1000 Krono in the game and each day around 300 are being traded, then they are being utilized as currency. But if you have 1000 Krono and only 10 are traded daily, then they just sit there collecting dust. As in, the demand is not there in relation to supply...
  3. Buds Augur

    I think a big spike came from the opening of the new TLP server. Lots of people wanting Kronos to trade for gear etc.. That's probably died down a bit and the demand has gone down some. On FV I see krono going around 3.8-4M now. A drop from 4.5ish it was when the tlp server went live. I sold a couple Kronos for 5M each. Krono will always have a good value, because they have real world value(subscription costs).

    More and more plat gets into the economy every day and inflation will only drive krono prices higher. When I stopped playing a couple years ago, I sold a lot of my stuff and bought a bunch Kronos with it. I bought them for around 250-300k each. When I came back and saw them going for 4M+, I was pretty happy!! Definitely smart to put your plat into krono, if you are taking a break, it will get you enough interest and more, to keep your amount of plat even with inflation.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.