EXP Rates on Phinigel

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Scaramanga82, Dec 9, 2015.

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  1. Kroak Journeyman

    Roshen, I met you briefly IRL when I visited the studio prior to the transition from SoE to DBG. You seemed like a genuinely nice guy, so this amount of anger that I have directed towards you right now is especially upsetting. Please reconsider this reduction to the exp rate, it was unforeseen, and for many, undesired.
    Infini likes this.
  2. Cicelee Augur

    You have 90 days to reach lvl 50. Why does everyone want to be lvl 50 this Friday?
    Vaclav, Zujilli, Silv and 1 other person like this.
  3. Ootax Augur

    WTF get real, in no way is this fraud, just because they didn't tell you and you assumed the xp rate would be like RF/LJ doesn't mean it's fraud. News flash, they don't have to disclose the xp rate when they release a server.
    FurySoul likes this.
  4. Poydras Augur

    Kinda see a trend here.
  5. Graphene New Member

    people seem to forget that without the hardcore people, the people who bring the skills and organisation required to tackle content, there are no raids

    sounds like this has annoyed all the hardcore people

    I can't see much enjoyment from people grinding for exp and actually being an expansion or two behind in content

    so expect the raid scene to be mostly pick up groups, which will get locked out for 6.5 days out of failing the instances

    should be a right clusterf*ck of sadness

    to continue playing or to cut our losses and go outside? hmmm tough decisions
  6. FurySoul Augur

    Sleak, I loved you on Fippy and agreed with you a lot on RF/LJ, but you and the other salty players need to really just play a different server or deal with it.
  7. Theseus Lorekeeper

    I'm sure threatening to charge back your second account and arguing with people will get the devs to listen to you...
  8. RainbowTest Augur

    I liked to think of myself as a major eq fan over the life of the game. I played progression 1, 2, and 3. I stopped very quickly into Lockjaw/ragefire cause I saw very clearly that DBG is scamming their customers. At this point anybody who still pays for a sub or the game in general really has no right to complain. Microtransactions behind a paywall is by far the most and unethical business model that has ever existed and yet there are hundreds of you morons religiously playing through this scam instead of putting your money where your mouth is and moving on to other games from more reasonable game developers.
  9. Kroak Journeyman

    At the rate on Ragefire, I was 46 in 4 weeks (raced to be planar), and 50 in 5, I think that was a reasonable place to enjoy the final ~2 months of the expansion raiding. With roughly a 2x penalty here, relative to Ragefire, that would be 6 weeks to 46, and 10 to 50, which would only leave a few weeks before Kunark would be released. That's just me, I guess.
  10. Galleyan Augur

    You're absolutely right, which is why nothing will come of this, and this situation, as pointed out earlier in the thread by someone with a far better capability to articulate it than I, is win/win for DBG... no matter what happens; they win.

    However, as a paying customer who has been loyal to the brand since before the game even officially launched in 1999 (yep, I was one of those fanboys, who saw EQ in a magazine... remember those?), I don't feel it is outrageous to assume that when they are announcing a new server that is built off the back of recently released servers... that the rule-sets would be the same except where outlined as different.

    MANY people made MANY decisions based on the assumption that we'd be treated with dignity and respect. We were not.
    Zublak likes this.
  11. FurySoul Augur

    I love this thread. People complained about Boxing and botting and said people that afk to exp are ruining the server cause that's an unfair advantage, yet now people want free exp because they got what they wanted.
  12. Kroak Journeyman

    I don't see why settling for poor circumstances or giving up entirely, neither of which being satisfactory, should be the only two options for action. If it comes down to it, the latter will be the vote from this wallet. It would be such a shame, I was truly looking forward to what this server could have offered.
  13. Batbener Augur

    Devs, put out a game, and let the community adjust to the ruleset. That's a real game.
  14. Lyrical Augur

    Thanks for letting me know someone has read my previous posts. I appreciate the fact you see it. And yes, I did LOVE original eq and the grind. And I dont mind the grind part of it now accept for the fact that I just did it on lockjaw a couple months ago haha. They figured out a way to get rid of the disaster that was bot armies and offer us a new server to play free of them. Obviously I was all in as I resubbed ready to go through the grind even though I had just done it on LJ.

    That being said......lowering the xp rate massively without prior warning = disgusting. Then when you add in my group makeup having a mage pet tank for the last decade + no longer works and Im going to have to kill triple the trash just to get back to 50 and still be way weaker a group than I was a month ago.......well it just isnt fun feeling underhandedly screwed.

    Think about it one eq player to another--1) How many people wouldnt have resubbed knowing the xp rate was getting mega nerfed? 2) How many people wouldnt have resubbed knowing the mage class is now less effective than any other caster class outside of mod rods and coth? Do you think there is a shot in hell they are going to give people their money back? Of course not. They knew resubs would quit and at least get some money out of them and anyone crazy enough to stay will pay for potions. Smart marketing other than burning any portion of your customer base is usually bad. But hey they got money out of me again didnt they?

    I played a raid tank for 13 years. I do not want to do it ever again. The magician allowed the tanking of a mob effectively enough even after the last nerf to continue though much weaker than before. This nerf is at least 50% worse than the latest nerf on top of it. Watching my completely naked level 6 mage out tank my yellow con pet = the exact opposite of what the master pet class has always been.
    Infini likes this.
  15. FurySoul Augur

    maybe because you should consider that there are more people not angry with this style than there are people that are angry. Maybe they should make a server wide voting pole to find out.
  16. Trevalon Augur

    No one wants to be 50 by Friday...but we would like to be 50 before we have to get to 60 and don't get to raid Classic at all...
    Elkay likes this.
  17. Elkay Augur

    And just when I was going to give them a bravo on a clean launch. I thought it was just in my head how slow the leveling was last night.

    Shady business practice. I'm permanently boycotting XP pots and potentially SC altogether. Will I keep playing? Dunno. We'll see. The XP timesink is incredibly harsh. We came here to raid. Not day one, but def by the end of 3-4 weeks. Even playing most nights for a bit, capping 50 will take a majority of the 12 weeks now. I can't fathom how they thought it was OK both to leave it unannounced, and to gut the XP as far as they did.
  18. Darth Augur

    I like the slower xp gain.
    Kenvaryen, Vaclav and Your_Ad_Here like this.
  19. Dranix Augur

    These forums arn't the place to have a dev "listen to me". Its a place for me to vent my frustration while engaging in a discussion. Im sharing that im upset and its okay to be upset by this. Mostly because there are a few people who seem to believe that no matter what happens I should have to suck it or that being upset is unreasonable - its not.
  20. Darth Augur

    Raid classic in Kunark like you all did originally in 2002 when most of you played.
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