Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Lanogas, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Lanogas Journeyman

    Hiya all!

    14 year veteran (or newbie, whatever) here with the tiniest question - Honestly, is there some way, any way, to disable the EULA on every single login? I can't remember having to accept the EULA every time I logged on a few years back. I also distinctively remember having a launcher where I could log into EQ and EQ2 from the same launcher, Station Launcher or something? Also remember having a chat client way back where I could actually chat with friends in EQ without actually logging in. Good ole' times.

    Anyways - Is there a reason for Sony asking us to accept the EULA every. single. time? It's not a real big issue or anthing, it's just... Annoying, I guess?
  2. Potsos76 Augur

    It's been like that as long as I can remember -- though it may not have been years and years ago -- can't remember. It does take a hell of a lot of button clicks to log into EQ, thats for sure.

    You can still log into EQ with the launcher -- you have to, in fact, after a patch. I believe it's launcher.exe in your EQ folder.

    The login chat used to be a lot of fun, especially when servers were down. That was removed a long time ago, I believe.
  3. Fendy Augur

    As I understand it EQ chat used to be based on IRC (internet relay chat) and the EQIM utility allowed you to talk externally to people in game because of this. Years ago IRC chat was dropped for an internal chat channel system to close a security vulnerability.
  4. Cakeny Augur

    I noticed Universal Chat System down messages didn't start till they got rid of EQIM.
  5. Gialana Augur

    I use the launchpad, and I only see the EULA the first time I log in a new account. I also save the username and password so that I can just select the account name and hit play to get to character select. Maybe that's the reason I don't see the EULA at each login?
  6. Sarkaukar Augur

    EULA will show up the first time you log into an account on a new computer/fresh install. If it is popping up each time on the SAME account then suggest running Launchpad shortcut with Admin privileges, especially if you used the default installation instead of customized installation (to put EQ elsewhere such as c:\games\everquest).

    As for using the same launchpad for all of their games, they were running into too many issues, too many variables since Vista OS. The launchpad for each game now resides in each game folder to simplify things.

    The other items have been noted in previous posts.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Borek-VS like this.
  7. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Pretty much what Sark said, you probably need to give EQ admin privileges if it is making you sign in every time you go into the game. The only times you should have to click "I Agree" these days are the first time you log in an account on a specific computer and whenever SOE updates the EULA and makes us reclick it.

    On the whole EQ UCS and EQIM stuff.
    The EQ chat channel system is still basically an IRC chat system, it is just completely internal now. They closed the access to them via IRC as part of them wanting to get rid of the linkbots and such. EQIM was around both before and after the UCS; when EQIM was initially introduced the UCS didn't even exist. EQIM continued to work even after EQ was finally transferred to the UCS that the newer games had been using. EQIM continued to work after the change to UCS; I think some basic ini file changes had to be made because EQIM was no longer supported by then. But it wasn't until the change that removed ability to use IRC programs to access EQ chat channels that the original EQIM stopped working.

    The Station Launcher brought back the EQIM features and was supposed to get more interactivity, but that never came to be in EQ; and the Station Launcher's EQIM features were killed after the SOE/PSN security hacking incident several years back.