Enchanter friendly zones.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Evermage, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Evermage New Member

    Hi All,

    My Chanter is 58 now, what I found frustrating is so many zones I cannot mez, I could not mez the giants in mesa, I cannot mez Harpys in roost..... sigh....

    I'm in the steeps now and i am having more luck but can anyone suggest zones to level in from 60-80 where I can CC?

    Yes I can root, but I don't mean that, Mez and Stun.
  2. Sebbina Augur

    Enchanters are a sad class, and I aught to know my oldest character is one. Your first goal should be level 61 - you, your mostly useless pet and your merc tank can be buffed with VoA buffs. Until that point I suggest getting Virtue, Koadics , regen and Damage shield and heading to either Sebilis most mobs low 50s so less XP or to Temple of Droga entry mobs will be blue to green. You can bind outside Sebilis to be able to gate there quickly with fresh buffs, or escape in a pinch to re enter and you can bind safely on the wall near to Temple of Droga for the same reasons, with Origin to get you back to civilization. Droga should take you to 65 RoF buffs and with pet affinity no need for separate pet buffs, past 65 it slows down ,but, it is hard to find a good place to level until past 71 when Dragonscale hills becomes decent. Naturally it is easier if you have a partner with snare and one of you has a healer merc and a friendly guild to refresh buffs. Eventually, your mez will be good for over one minute and you get AA that can kick an undesired piece of trash away and mezzed (two kicks usually off the agro list). I know some chanters that are talented and could do amazing things to mobs, but, not so much at 58, so carry on and have fun.
  3. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Once charm gets reliable it gets a lot easier to level, so just hang in there for a little bit.
  4. Evermage New Member


    Thanks for the advice, I'm actually in a group with a mage and a druid so I have all kinds of buffs, but I would like to feel a little less useless, we're in the Stepps now and CC is hit or miss (mostly miss), mind you when I do sleep something it's ahhh little upset with me :(
  5. Borek-VS Augur

    High 50s for enchanter is a very bad time. It gets better; both with better spell levels, and AAs.
  6. silku Augur

    At some point during that time vxed/tipt was amazing for chanters. Maybe more like 65? I remember those levels being quite a bit of fun to charm with though. I want to say I did some charm soloing in Karnor's too back then. City of Mist too I seem to remember being really, really good in mid 50s or something.
  7. Borek-VS Augur

    Tipt/Vxed were 64/65 only, basically (although you could use them higher). City of Mist is almost all light blue at 55, probably best 45-50.
  8. Malachi Augur

    Steppes isn't a hot zone anymore right? Your group can probably clear an older (PoP comes to mind) zone and come out better than your tank being tripled for 800's with mobs that aren't completely slowable, sky high resist and 300% more hp per mob than anything of the same level in PoP.

    If you are solo, Sebbina suggested what I do with all my remakes and alts. Seb and Droga all day as long as you have a form of snare.
  9. Jordis Augur

    As far as the hot zones go, Undershore isn't too bad, there are areas where the mobs are spread out far enough that you can use various methods of charming. I'd suggest older expansions though, where charm resists don't seem to be as high, and the mobs have fewer hp than newer expansions. Stack quests for additional experience.

    I remember the leveling to 60 being done in PoP, with a lot less hp and mana than you probably have now, and doing it fairly quickly (Plane of Nightmare, Plane of Disease, Plane of Storm). I would NOT recommend Plane of Air, it was an insane choice for a hot zone. Natimbi has a few areas where you can charm. Dranik's Scar is another area that you could probably do pretty well. Look at the zones in the Ykesha expansion, Dulak Harbor is pretty good...grab a rat, never mind the dual wield types. My choice for leveling alts has largely been Serpent Spine because it's relatively easy to stack quests and achievements there along with the experience.

    A lot depends on your playing style. Try and put groups together, regardless of how good you are at charming a group can kill faster, with less down time.