Drinal Down

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zarzac, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Zarzac Augur

  2. Shredd Augur

    I blame Muji
  3. Firedog New Member

    Up and down...up and down. I get up at 9am to play and the servers are down. Wait until 3pm and still not up. Take a nap. Wake up at 9pm to play and now my server goes down. I'm checking my house for an illegal webcam cause someone is watching me.
    baddog likes this.
  4. Bobokin Augur

    Why just Drinal?
    baddog likes this.
  5. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Drinal down this morning. Server status page says it's up, but it is not.
    baddog likes this.
  6. Bobokin Augur

    I wonder why it is just Drinal.

    Did the server fail, or was there banable practices?
  7. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Would they bring the whole server down and leave it over night because of some bad apples?

    Couldn't get on yesterday either. My guess is after a long Friday there is nobody there to kick start it right now. <shrug>
  8. baddog Journeyman

    drinal went down around 1am last night . Been down ever since.
    Thought it would be up by now .
    Nothing we can do but bend over and take it .
  9. Dewey Augur

    I swear I'm trying to level to 115. However; since the cap has been raised if I have free time, the server is down 8(
  10. Vapor New Member

    ::SIGH:: I took vacation for this?
  11. cherzal New Member

    I can't get past patcher at all. Is everything down?
  12. SmellyFinger New Member

    It's been down for hours! Someone needs to get on the ball!
  13. Dewey Augur

    It was up for a minute! Now it's gone again.
  14. DemarMT New Member

    Can we get acknowledgement for DBG that they are working on it? An eta would be nice roo
  15. bluebum73 New Member

    i agree with demarmt....at least let us know u know its down and are working on it plz.
  16. VesuviusDrinal New Member

    Seeing it come online and drop offline like it has been tells me it is most likely a network issue with just that server.
  17. Dewey Augur

    Daybreak has a help account. They also have help tickets that we can send. I sent in one, but maybe more from others might get there attention and fix the situation.
  18. bluebum73 New Member

    how do u find the ticket for server down? i have tried to send one in and can only find server connection issues to send in and it wants isp provider and bunch of equipment identification questions.
  19. Dewey Augur

    You only have to put in the red star information. You don't have to put in your ISP.
  20. bluebum73 New Member

    ticket sent
    SmellyFinger likes this.